WOMAN of ACTION – Nicola Karesh

A Celebration of Women

is honored to Celebrate the Life of this wonderful woman, that is an accomplished author, therapist and substance abuse counselor. While finding herself guided to be a Stay-at-Home Mom, she also was graced her with her own Spiritual Experience that lead her to the work as she does today…..writing, helping others that she graciously offers to the Women of our World.


Nicola Karesh

‘Originally from Jamaica,

I have been living in the US since 1979, making North Carolina my second home.

A former therapist and substance abuse counselor,

I devote my time now to home-schooling my two children and to writing.

Like everyone else in the world, I am many points coming together in time. Many lessons being integrated… some being blessedly discarded and others soon to be discovered. I am who I am without reservation because time is precious and I have children with their eyes glued on my living, breathing example.

One day, I remember it was around 9/11,

I was rocking my daughter to sleep and thinking about my vision of the world… one filled with loving kindness… a place where it would be safe for our children to grow up in peace.

I remember making a conscious choice to quit time-wasting, game playing and to step up and be real… for myself and for you.

A few years after, I re-discovered my love of the written word,

my delight in play and my desire for soul-to-soul connection.

Those combined elements have been instrumental in precious, unfolding adventures and wonderful experiences, the latest being my newly published book,

Morning Glory: Poetry And Reflections.”

Morning Glory is a bit of a symbol for my life right now. It is a reflection of my opening to the Divine, to myself and to being a presence of love and light in the world.

I welcome the opportunity to know you, to see you and

to Walk a Path filled with Divine Grace!

Near and dear to my heart, is my connection with the Avatar network. As a licensed Avatar Master, I am trained to deliver the 9 day Avatar course: a life-changing experience to bring you home to yourself! I am always happy to share what I know about the course and the tools, so please feel free to send me a message or give me a call.

Friendship and connection are sweet blessings in my life.

I enjoy meeting new people and playing with my “old” friends. If you ventured into my virtual home here, please take the time to say hello.

I would love to hear from you!

Love always,

Nicola Karesh


Angel Faces by Nicola Karesh

I have been feeling love all over the place this week.

Love for my country men and women back home in Jamaica. Love for all of our precious little children who reflect innocence. Feeling love expand to include all people, all creatures and all of our sacred lands. Feeling compassion for the many “faces” that we sometimes wear and how our choices can, at times, take us down dark and lonely places.

Hearing sweet angels singing, singing, singing. Voices that light up the darkness and remind us of another way. There is always another way.

All around me there are faces. Hearts beating behind those millions of faces. The blessed grace of awareness…

God has a face.

It is you.

Nicola G. Karesh, copyright © 2010 – All rights reserved.


For more information to purchase Morning Glory:

Amazon http://www.facebook.com/l/3fc9fHJANS9cI6wf0JN3Fxg70JQ;tinyurl.com/29pk9h2
Barnes & Noble – http://www.facebook.com/l/3fc9fhCM0B-odXPgSGgdp0JuokA;tinyurl.com/26pgk96

and- for autographed and ebook copies.


Testimonials: http://www.nicolakaresh.com/testimonials.html

To find Nicola:

– Add me on facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/nicolakaresh

Dancing With The Divinehttp://www.facebook.com/l/3fc9fAoz_sZ26Cy-uTx5fqaLzig;groups.to/dancingwiththedivine/

– “A Call To Grace” blog – http://www.facebook.com/l/3fc9fY0JVzhqI6yPLUTGcWATnTQ;https://nicolakaresh.wordpress.com/

– Join me on Whispering Energy for heart-centered Collaboration –

Email: [email protected]

A Celebration of Women

celebrates the Light this Woman has found…and thanks her for sharing it with theWomen of our World.

Brava, Nicola!

Copyright 2022 @ A Celebration of Women™ The World Hub for Women Leaders That Care