Your "QuoteAction" of the day: " A little kindness from person to person is better than a vast love for all humankind." German Poet, Richard Dehmel Your Action for today is 'to do something kind for a stranger. For example, if you see a homeless person, look them in the eyes and connect with them. Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you what to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 … [Read more...]
FIBROID PAIN – A Woman’s Strength of LOVE ~ ‘a fibroid journey’
A Celebration of Women shares a story that matters.... PERSEVERENCE through LOVE ...a fibroid journey ~ Sharon A nurse told me, "...'fibroid pain' is more painful then giving birth." In week 14 of my Pregnancy, is when it all went down. I found out I had these tumors with this horrible, horrible pain. The pain grew and grew, moved from the right lower area to the left full side (took about 5 days) of my belly and by time it went to the left side, I was in the hospital. … [Read more...]
Dr. Mercola: 90 Year-Old Powerful Natural Cancer Therapy
90 Year-Old Powerful Natural Cancer Therapy Now on iTunes: For more info: Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett's father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link … [Read more...]
Women’s Issues, Thomson Reuters Foundation Training Course
Reporting on Women's Issues Thomson Reuters Foundation Training Course Start date: 11 Nov 2012 | End date: 16 Nov 2012 Location: Barcelona, Spain Language: English Application deadline: 30 Sep 2012 There is now a broad understanding that strengthening women’s voices and participation in public life as well as in decision-making is crucial to development worldwide. This is a timely opportunity for journalists to convey the voices of a population … [Read more...]
Love and Sex Addicts – Addictive relationships
Love and Sex Addicts - Addictive relationships Addictive relationships are characterized over time by unhealthy dependency, guilt and abuse. Convinced of their lack of worth and not feeling truly lovable, Love and Sex Addicts will use seduction, control, guilt and manipulation to attract and hold onto romantic partners. At times, despairing of this cycle of unhappy affairs, broken relationships and sexual liaisons, some Love or Sex Addicts may have "swearing off" periods (like the … [Read more...]
‘Immediate Gratification-modern way’, D. Neddermeyer Ph.D.
"Rome was not built in a day." -John Clarke (1596-1658). You have probably heard that statement many times. Yet, in today's fast-paced society we tend to demand instant gratification. We want everything faster with more whistles and bells. How often have you heard yourself complain about your slow dial-up computer or you do not have time to wait for a regular meal to be cooked, thus, fast-food with drive-up window is a frequent meal provider. We want everything … [Read more...]
PamelaJo McQuade – WOMAN of ACTION
A Celebration of Women is absolutely tickled to Celebrate the Life of this Courageous and Formidable WOMAN of ACTION. Her Calling in Life is one that could be the most important and one that all of us should Seek out and Follow....Spirituality. This Woman has taken this facet of Life's Grace and has managed to create a wonderful sense of playfulness and attractive intrigue through her seemingly outragious description.....SPIRITUALITY is … [Read more...]
Mother Teresa ~ WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ has been inspired to Celebrate the Life of an iconic heart of charity, on this her name day, a woman that followed the "calling inside a calling" and decided a life of charity living among the souls needing love was the only way. Celebrating October 19th, today, Mother Teresa’s homeland of Albania honors her with a national holiday. October 19 is the anniversary of the day in 2003 that she was beatified by the Vatican. “Christ will not ask how much … [Read more...]
Ginger Katz Taking Action at The Courage to Speak® Foundation, Summer 2012
The Courage to Speak® Foundation June 2012 Welcome to Our Summer 2012 Newsletter! BOOK A PRESENTATION FOR FALL OR WINTER TODAY! The 14th Annual Ian James Eaccarino Memorial 9-Mile Race, July 28, 2012 Tip of the Month Keep Your Kids Drug Free This Summer The Courage to Speak Foundation has a New Website & Blog! Sunny's Story: How to Save a Young Life From Drugs IN THE NEWS: Parent tells of son's struggle with drug … [Read more...]
Focusing on Women’s Political Participation and Leadership: In Pursuit of Equality
Focusing on Women’s Political Participation and Leadership: In Pursuit of Equality Statement of Michelle Bachelet Executive Director of UN Women at CEDAW 30: A celebration of the 30th anniversary of the committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Conference Room 3 of North Lawn Building United Nations, New York, 9 July 2012. Distinguished Panellists and Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Committee on the … [Read more...]