Jarkyn, a Role Model for Many Rural Women When you see energetic and self-confident Jarkyn Smanalieva rushing from one house to the other calling women for a community meeting in the small mountainous village of Madaniyat east of Bishkek, you would never guess that only three years ago she was an exhausted mother of four. When you see energetic and self-confident Jarkyn Smanalieva rushing from one house to the other calling women for a community meeting in the small mountainous … [Read more...]
Amanda Gore – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this fireball of energy, a woman that has risen above challenges of childhood. She grew past her fears and now devotes her life to the betterment of others; involving her audiences in an entertaining way that gets them all connected, she shares strategies, techniques and skills that allow people to enjoy work, eradicate fear, adapt to change, improve attitude and perceptions, transform relationships, leadership, sales, … [Read more...]
Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls must be punished
September 2012 – Violence against women and girls and the indiscriminate extraction of natural resources are among the most pressing issues that indigenous peoples face today, a United Nations human rights expert said today. “A recurring issue that has come to my attention in various contexts is that of violence against indigenous women and girls,” said the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, in his statement to the UN Human Rights Council in … [Read more...]
Harriett Russell Strong – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is honored to pay Tribute to another icon of America, a Woman! Her perseverence and intelligence created many great inventions; and her forsight of the necessity of water, inspired many of today's solutions of irrigation and general water supply. A True testiment to the Power of a Woman! WOMAN of ACTION™ Harriet Russell Strong THE PINK AND WHITE, HELPLESS prettiness; the delicate, fainting, clinging doll is … [Read more...]
BOLIVIA, enacts the first law with Equal Status for Mother Earth
Bolivia enshrines natural world's rights, with equal status for Mother Earth Law of Mother Earth expected to prompt radical new conservation and social measures in South American nation Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as "blessings" and is expected to lead to radical new … [Read more...]
Gratitude, a Rare Commodity
When was the last time you said “thank you”? When was the last time you genuinely meant it? For some it may be a few days or a week (that’s too long by the way) but for others it may have only been a few hours or even minutes. What are the reasons for a lack of gratitude being habitual in our daily lives? We don’t have time is a common statement. Let's be honest with ourselves; that’s an excuse. We have plenty of time to honestly offer thanks to the guy that let us ahead of him at … [Read more...]
DIVORCE, Rising, Surviving and Thriving – WOMEN in RECOVERY
DIVORCE - Rising, Surviving and Thriving People going through divorce often focus on the endings it represents – the ending of a relationship, a dream, a way of life. To thrive after divorce requires you to look at divorce as a beginning – the beginning of a new life, of new possibilities for loving relationship, of a sense of self-empowerment and awareness you may have never have experienced before. One small suggestion for all of us that are or have lived through a separation or divorce … [Read more...]
Mufaro Chakabuda – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this visionary with the heart and soul of strength that enabled her to excel in the world of female entrepreneurs; winning a plethora of Awards; and as of 2010, Zimscholarships.com, a not for profit organization was founded by Mufaro. Zimscholarships is an organization dedicated to promoting Zimbabwe’s future, by giving scholarships to deserving Individuals in their undergraduate or Master’s Programs. ... and now is here to … [Read more...]
SELF LOVE – How Do You Like You So Far? , WOMEN in RECOVERY
How Do You Like You So Far? .... that is the question! In 1956 psychologist and social philosopher Erich Fromm proposed that loving oneself is different from being arrogant, conceited or egocentric. He proposed that loving oneself means caring about oneself, taking responsibility for oneself, respecting oneself, and knowing oneself (e.g. being realistic and honest about one's strengths and weaknesses). He proposed, further, that in order to be able to truly love … [Read more...]
Is Your Potential Hiding and if so, ‘Why’?
For over 40 years James Walker has dedicated his life to supporting people to find the abilities, strength and vision within themselves that will enable them to experience the best they are capable of in all areas of their lives. James’s research, his learning from work with thousands of people and his own personal experience have enabled him to design the strategies you can learn and use to improve your life. Your hidden potential. Along with his talented team of trainers and coaches, James … [Read more...]