Currently there are 3.5 billion girls and women in the world. This actually means to global advocates that there are 3.5 billion ways to change the world. The G(irls)20 Summit, in its third session, brought together 22 young women as delegates representing the G20 countries, including the African Union, to discuss issues and solutions for economic growth. (..) “Men are [also] part of the solution and they’re benefited from whatever we do for women”, said Isatou Jallow, Chief of Women, Children … [Read more...]
‘EveTeasing’ [euphemism-sexual harassment] lead Women to Commit Suicide
Sexual harassment in Bangladesh ... that led the government to declare June 13th "Eve Teasing Protection Day." Sexual harassment in Bangladesh is driving women to commit suicide as a means of escape. According to local human rights groups 28 women committed suicide this year to escape frequent sexual harassment. Before killing themselves most of them wrote a note demanding an end to the sexual harassment known locally as ‘eve teasing’ where boys intercept girls on … [Read more...]
Women Deliver’s third global conference opens on Friday, 1 June.
Women Deliver 2013 Conference Registration Opens Early bird registration for Women Deliver’s third global conference opens on Friday, 1 June. Women Deliver 2013 is expected to be the largest conference of the decade to focus on the health and empowerment of girls and women, featuring world-renowned speakers, a Ministers and Parliamentarians Forum, over 100 breakout sessions and over 5,000 attendees. The early bird registration rate of $500 will expire on January 31, 2013, at … [Read more...]
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting – Tide is finally turning ‘against’ FGM
For centuries, female genital mutilation or cutting has been practiced throughout much of Africa. But dealing as it does with a very intimate subject, FGM/C was often spoken of, if at all, only in whispers. Today the movement against it is open, public and highly visible. And FGM/C seems to be out in the open and on its way out. Farmers in remote villages in Mali are listening to radio talk shows debating the issue. Community groups in Senegal talk about it in terms of human rights. Islamic … [Read more...]