Keeping the spark alive in your marriage is no easy task, but it’s an integral one for maintaining a happy marriage. It’s all too easy for people to get wrapped up in their busy lives and forget to make time for their spouse or loved one. To avoid being one of those couples who drift apart after the kids are born, try adding a date night to your schedule. It can be once a week or once a month, just make sure you pencil time in for one. These 21 blog entries will give you some enjoyable … [Read more...]
CHILDCARE, 10 Strategies for Teaching Your Child to Read
Learning to read is one of the first major educational milestones in a child’s life. The sense of pride and accomplishment that kids feel the first time they read a book all by themselves is something that neither you nor they will forget. Helping your child master the skills that lead up to learning to read will make the lesson an easier one for him to learn, instilling a love of reading and learning that can follow him throughout his life. While there are as many approaches to teaching a … [Read more...]
10 Reasons to have, ‘Date Night with Your Daughter’
'Date Night with Your Daughter' The first relationship that little girls will form with a member of the opposite sex is the one that they have with their father. This relationship is also one of the most influential and important of a young girl’s life, as it often shapes the ones she builds with other boys and men as she ages. Here are 10 of the reasons why all fathers should have date nights with their daughters, starting when they’re very young and continuing as they get … [Read more...]
Guide for a Man Attempting to Raise Women
Raising girls is much different than raising boys. Girls tend to be more emotional, affectionate, and have different methods of logical thinking. For the father who may feel overwhelmed about how to raise a daughter, these tips may help keep you on task. Horseplay – Although rough-housing is common in most households, girls tend to be more sensitive to physical violence. There are exceptions to every rule, of course. However, rough-housing with your girls could turn them into Tomboys. … [Read more...]
While the tradition of choosing godparents for a new baby is typically affiliated with the Roman Catholic faith, there are some parents who are of different religions or no religion at all that are eager to confer the honor upon someone close to them. Choosing godparents for your child can be a difficult task, especially if you are worried about offending members of your family by passing them over. There are a few ways that you can manage the situation with as much grace as possible, … [Read more...]
NEW PARENTS, 10 Things to Look For During Your Nanny’s Trial Period
Many families who engage a private in-home childcare provider opt to include a probationary “trial period” in their written nanny contract in order to ensure that she’ll be a good fit with the household and can perform her duties as agreed upon. If you’ve decided to take this approach to the hiring process, there are several things you should consider at the end of this trial period before making a decision regarding the continuation of the contract. Some factors will be specific to your … [Read more...]
Fatherhood, 10 Sports Every Dad Should Teach Their Son
10 Sports Every Dad Should Teach Their Son Learning to play a sport can teach kids tons of valuable life lessons that they’ll carry with them long after that last whistle blows. Dads who are looking for a way to bond with their sons while passing on some of their hard-earned wisdom might find that spending some time teaching kids the ins and outs of these 10 sports is just the thing to kill both of those proverbial birds with one stone. Golf – Playing a good game of golf requires … [Read more...]
Parenting – How to host a kid-friendly ‘Afternoon Tea’
While the concept afternoon tea originated in France, contrary to what most people believe, the English made taking an afternoon tea fashionable. The English usually take their afternoon tea between 4 and 5 o’clock in the afternoon, whereas Americanized versions of afternoon tea tend to be held between 3 and 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Children may not care for tea, most enjoy the pomp and ceremony that comes with a traditional high tea experience. Here’s how to host a kid-friendly … [Read more...]
Kenya,1 Million Dads against Gender-based Violence
Celebrating Campaign to mobilize one million dads against gender-based violence kicks off in Kenya On a bright Sunday afternoon in July, over a thousand people gathered in Nairobi’s Arboretum Park to launch a campaign that will see one million men join the fight against gender-based violence in Kenya. Part of the UN Secretary-General’s Africa UNiTE Campaign, the 1 Million Fathers initiative will be engaging men in their roles as fathers, brothers, husbands and friends. The launch on 15 … [Read more...]
10 Things to Consider Before Hiring the Kids Grandmother as Their Nanny
For many grandparents, the thought of their children hiring a stranger to care for their grandchildren is enough for them to take radical action: applying for the job themselves. Eons ago, many families lived in the same community and those from within the community viewed parenting as a community effort. Today, families often live miles apart and working mothers are forced to call on nannies to provide the flexible, customized care that years ago only women in the community could be counted … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Children
Children are a tremendous blessing to us, but they are also a tremendous responsibility that God has entrusted to us. As parents, we have been entrusted to nurture, train, teach and prepare our children for life. As siblings, we are enable to learn from each other. As aunts and uncles, we are gifted with a surrogate role, gifting us with the presence of innocence that lives in children. The Face of God lies in the face of a newborn child.... Are you taking time to invest in your … [Read more...]