REACHING OUT About four years ago, my boyfriend and I were passing the homeless youth shelter and we saw a young girl sitting on the steps outside. She looked hungry and tired and as if she had the whole world on her thin shoulders. She looked up and saw us. She called out to us, asking for help. The shelter was not yet open and probably not for several hours. Fortunately it was still light and the temperature was mild. My boyfriend gave her money so that she could buy something to … [Read more...]
ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Human Trafficking
HUMAN TRAFFICKING This is No Game I was shocked to learn that the Super Bowl is a magnet for sex trade. Apparently it is one of the biggest human trafficking events in the United States. I thought this sort of thing happened in countries where poverty is widespread. While most of America is looking forward to watching to the showdown between the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers, under-age girls are lured into the dangerous world of the multimillion dollar sex trade industry. … [Read more...]
Perry Yeatman, Kraft Foods, S.V.P. – "Power of Women"
"Make women the focus of our work in Africa" Perry Yeatman, senior vice president of Kraft Foods, gives her thoughts on the "Power of Women" in the fight against hunger and recalls a popular American saying: " If you want to get a job done, give it to a busy woman. " Yeatman was one of 15 women from the worlds of business, politics and aid who gathered in the WFP tent on Friday to find innovative approaches to helping women fight hunger. WFP Executive Director … [Read more...]
Let's Move – February 9th is the one-year anniversary of the launch of Let’s Move!
JANUARY 26, 2011 THIS WEEK Hello! In every speech the First Lady gives, she emphasizes that everyone has a role to play in solving the epidemic of childhood obesity. This past week was a great example of how different types of organizations, representing the public, private and nonprofit sectors, are stepping up and doing their part to end childhood obesity. Adults and parents are also doing their part by finding creative ways to eat healthier foods and become more physically … [Read more...]
PMO(Canada) – Canada was the catalyst in 2010
PM announces new maternal, newborn and children health initiatives January 26, 2011 Geneva, Switzerland Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced support for new development projects that will save the lives and improve the health of mothers and children in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Mozambique. “Canada was the catalyst in 2010 for the renewed global effort to save the lives of mothers, children and newborns in developing countries,” said Prime Minister Harper. “The support being … [Read more...]
Avaaz – STOP `Corrective Rape`: TAKE ACTION!
‘Corrective rape’, the vicious practice of raping lesbians to ‘cure’ their sexuality, is becoming a crisis in South Africa. But brave activists are calling on the world to help stop these heinous Hate Crimes -- and finally the government is beginning to respond. Let's support them. Sign the petition and send it to friends! Millicent Gaika was bound, strangled, tortured and raped for five hours by a man who crowed that he was ‘curing’ her of her lesbianism. She barely survived, but she is … [Read more...]
Ginger Katz, Courage to Speak Foundation is Taking Action!
A Celebration of Women strongly suggests that every parent, teen and child read this Story, as this little 'Anti-Drug Bible' for Adolesence/Children/Parents, as we refer to this parable told through the eyes of the family pet beagle named Sunny, just may SAVE YOUR LIFE! Ginger Katz - WOMAN of ACTION Sunny’s Lasting Message…… I remember the day a beagle puppy named Sunny came into our lives. He quickly became my 7 year-old son Ian’s best friend. Sunny would follow Ian from … [Read more...]
UNODC – "Slavery was abolished once – it can be abolished again"
"Slavery was abolished once - it can be abolished again" At any given time, some 2.4 million people are trapped in what is considered a modern form of slavery: human trafficking. Children, women and men across the globe are being sexually exploited and enslaved as forced labourers, victims of what is one of today's most heinous international crimes. A global enterprise worth an estimated $32 billion, human trafficking affects nearly every country in the world. On 19 January, the … [Read more...]
The Global Chemistry Experiment, entitled “Water: A Chemical Solution”
Global experiment aims to break record for International Year of Chemistry (2011) Primary and secondary school pupils are invited to take part in an attempt to break the record for the biggest scientific experiment ever conducted, as part of the celebration of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011. The Year will be officially launched by UNESCO and its partner, the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), at a conference on 27 and 28 January at UNESCO’s Paris … [Read more...]