Singles Only ~ Not to Worry… Love Will Find You!

For Singles Only ~ Not to Worry… Love Will Find You! The time of real personal growth is when you are alone. Singles should use this time to reflect on the behaviors they did and didn't like in their former partner. It's time to experience how it feels to stand on your own; taking care of you, paying special attention to who you need to become to attract a passionately monogamous, infidelity-free, fun in the bedroom relationship. You must learn to stand alone again before you can again … [Read more...]

Loneliness vs Alone-ness, OSHO – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Osho on Aloneness and Loneliness 'Those who have loved me, those who have received my love, I am committed to them. I will do everything to remain in the body, and I will do everything—even if I have to leave the body—to be continuously around you. You will not be able to see me, but I will be able to see you.' - Osho The aloneness is total and complete. Not loneliness but aloneness. Loneliness is always concerned with others; aloneness is concerned with oneself. Aloneness is … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL – Women, learn to embrace Solitude.

Embrace Solitude "I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude." Henry David Thoreau How To Be Alone -- And Like It Learn to love yourself. Yes, this is a huge, HUGE request for some people. It's not always easy to be accepting and loving of ourselves, but when you're hanging out one-on-one with yourself, you better like who you're hanging out with. I find that the reason a lot of people don't want to be alone is because they … [Read more...]

ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Reaching Out

  REACHING OUT     About four years ago, my boyfriend and I were passing the homeless youth shelter and we saw a young girl sitting on the steps outside. She looked hungry and tired and as if she had the whole world on her thin shoulders. She looked up and saw us. She called out to us, asking for help. The shelter was not yet open and probably not for several hours. Fortunately it was still light and the temperature was mild. My boyfriend gave her money so that she could buy something to … [Read more...]

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