What is Enlightenment?, Immanuel Kant

What Is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," ... is therefore the motto of the enlightenment. Laziness … [Read more...]

The 888 Code, January 26th is the day of benevolence!

Once, and sometimes twice a year, we are blessed with a 9 Universal Month. In 2015, both January and October bring the “king” of numbers to life. When a month adds up to the number 9 in numerology, EVERY DAY of the month has the SAME number frequency as the Universal Date. That double magnification is happening every day in January – and I’m sure it has already given you lots of feedback. Talk of connecting with your divinity and magnificence this month! Three days in January … [Read more...]

Abundance Clinic, Adamus® Saint-Germain, Part 1

Abundance is a challenging issue for many people on the spiritual path. There are strong overlays about money being “the root of evil” and many people have taken vows of poverty in this or past lifetimes as part of their spiritual journey. On a more practical basis, many simply don’t have a financial or business background, and therefore believe that they don’t know how to make or manage money. The Count de St. Germain, better known to Shaumbra as Adamus Saint-Germain, was a strong proponent … [Read more...]

Laughter … is Integral to Mental Health

Laughter is a great thing -- that's why we've all heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. In this article, we'll look at laughter -- what it is, what happens in our brains when we laugh, what makes us laugh and how it can make us healthier and happier. You'll also learn that there's a tremendous amount that no one understands yet. First of all, all laughter has a clear mental component. … [Read more...]

8 Universal Year, number of Infinite Abundance

Shifting into 2015 ~ The Year of Abundance If we had to pick just ONE scene from movie history to epitomize your year ahead, it would be Jerry Maguire’s unforgettable words… “Show me the money!!!” The only caveat is you define what kind of abundance. It can be all that yummy stuff; money, love, joy, health, etc. OR it can be the continuation of indecisiveness, debt, lethargy, illness and more. How to switch things up? First step is to quiet your mind. Yes, this can be called … [Read more...]

Symptoms of Ascension

2015 is said to be bringing some major energy shifts for us all ... We're all moving through a transformative process, whether we are aware of it or not, a new awakening is upon us. During the ascension process changes are occurring on all levels of your being. Ascension is a completely natural universal evolutionary process. As one shifts into a new vibration frequency and the awareness expands, symptoms are experienced on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Your system … [Read more...]

40 outrageous facts that you may want to know?

Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will discover things that most people don’t know. Here are 40 outrageous facts that most people are clueless about: 1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.) 2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816) 3. The … [Read more...]

Your Calling, 10 Signs that You have Found it!

How can you tell if you have found your calling? As a doctor who was called to medicine at a young age but then wound up disillusioned by the system, questioning my calling, I’ve asked myself this question a lot. It’s been a long strange trip—first leaving medicine, then feeling called back, then leaving again only to find my role in healing our broken health care system as a writer, speaker, revolutionary, and teacher of physicians. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things about how to … [Read more...]

Sociopaths make for Addictive Relationships

Time and time again, when I do personal consultations, people tell me how they struggle to break away from a relationship with a sociopath. You know the involvement is bad for you. But even when you’re not forced to interact with the sociopath — you’re not married, don’t have kids with the person and don’t work together — you can’t cut the cord. Why? Because relationships with sociopaths are highly addictive. There are psychological and biological reasons for this, which I’ll … [Read more...]

Gender and Women’s Mental Health, WHO

Gender and women's mental health Gender disparities and mental health: The Facts Mental illness is associated with a significant burden of morbidity and disability, to such a degree that our society is not referring to the 'Sad Generation' as a common term for our youth. Youth these days are confused as they are surrounded by the darkness of the world, we can help them by adding more love and light into their worlds, both children and adults suffer with mental health equally. Taking the kids … [Read more...]

New Consciousness approach for Mental Health, MARCH 8

New Consciousness approach for Mental Health *New consciousness is a different consciousness from which the humanity knew and lived for ages, as it’s a new type of awareness that life can be much more easy. We don’t need to any struggle for anything we want. We just need to make a conscious choice, stop trying and using our minds for our daily lives, hopes and dreams, allow the use of our intuition, expand our consciousness, imagination and awareness, allow the transformational changes, … [Read more...]

Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Invitation

In my heart is a LOVE that is beyond human LOVE; the mother's heart centered LOVE that is not made of this world, The Divine Feminine. This message is spoken in all the books written on this planet in our own human history; each in her own words, always with the same message - LOVE. "I am that I am, I am here now on this beautiful planet to serve humanity, be love, grown my aura and transform spiritually; I manifest the 7th Golden Age now. I am the creator. I love you immensely. Oneness … [Read more...]

ANNISAA Organization of Canada is Celebrated

Work with members in your community and make a difference Since 2012 ANNISAA Organization of Canada has devoted its energy to passionately advocate for the Muslim women community’s needs. WHO WE ARE The ANNISAA Organization of Canada is a not-for-profit, soon to be charitable organization that provides education-based programs and services to help women become the front row leaders of their community. We offer a host of programs, services, and resources, focused in the areas of … [Read more...]

3 Keys for Parenting a Peaceful Generation

Being a mom of three little Angels who are completely different to the child I used to be led my path to a wonderful discovery of the new generations who are now living among us. World is changing really fast and we all can notice that on how technology changes every day, on the new education systems emerging, and on many other things that are part of our daily lives. While being in the spiritual path I have met many different people who are living experiences that have brought big lessons … [Read more...]

FREE Hangouts, Women’s Empowerment Experts, DEC 1-5

Join Us for a Week of FREE Presentations from leading Women’s Empowerment Experts from across North America! December 1 – 5, 2014 Do you want to feel confident and empowered in every aspect of your life? Would you like to discard the guilt and anxiety, and be filled with joy, compassion, and vitality? You NEED to sign up for the Women’s Transformation and Vitality Summit! With an amazing lineup of guest speakers, this summit is specifically geared for Empowering Women In Body, Mind … [Read more...]

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