The pace of life can seem relentless sometimes, an endless to-do list of places to be, people to meet and goals to achieve. There are constant social pressures coming at you from every angle; are you successful, beautiful, funny, bright, accomplished? It’s no wonder we all feel exhausted a lot of the time. You probably know about the importance of relaxing and taking time out, and no doubt you’re still trying to fit in a ten-minute session of mindfulness here, or a half hour of yoga there. … [Read more...]
Choosing the Right Prenatal Vitamin
So you have just discovered your pregnant. A lot is running through your mind and probably especially how you will care for your growing fetus and your body in the coming months. Throughout breastfeeding and the entirety of your pregnancy taking a prenatal vitamin should be at the top of your concerns. Alongside eating healthy; a prenatal vitamin can make a huge impact on how you feel and your overall energy levels and health. Choosing the right one for your body can be tough; with all of the … [Read more...]
How to Choose an Engagement Ring
Proposing to your partner is usually a decision that has been long in the making, even when the actual proposal happens to be a spur-of-the-moment, spontaneous event. Whether you’ve been together for ten years or six months, you will have learned enough about your partner to know, deep down, that this is the person you can see yourself waking up next to for the rest of your life. Choosing the right engagement ring for your partner will probably be the hardest part during this exciting new phase … [Read more...]
How To Regain Confidence After an Accident
Recovering from an accident is certainly one of the most difficult and complicated processes in someone’s life. At the same time, it is also important to note that each individual has their own manner of recovering. Whether it is getting help from a lawyer who deals with personal injuries in Austin or seeking help from a counsellor to talk through your issues, we all find that we deal with things in different ways and that's fine. The process itself is a long and stressful one that deserves a … [Read more...]
How Lifting Weights is Beneficial for Women
What is it that you want to achieve from your fitness program? Is it to lose some weight or get rid of that flab around your waist? Or is it to get the ideal hourglass body? It's true that most of your fitness program's results come from what you eat. But not eating enough can make you weak and sick. Coupling a good diet with the right exercise will get you where you want. But relying on yoga and other cardio workouts may not be enough for your goals. This is where lifting weights comes in. … [Read more...]
Four Ways New Moms Can Feel Like Themselves Again
When you’re a new mom, you’re going through a lot. Not only have you just had a baby and gone through the agonies of labor, but you’re now sleep-deprived, anxious, and so in love that it makes you breathless. It’s no wonder that many women can’t wait to feel like their old selves again after they become mothers. It is said, however, that this can take over three years. Here are some ways to help speed up that process. Make Time To Look Good Everything changes when you have a baby, and that … [Read more...]
Healthy Tips: Maintain Proper pH Balance
The aspect of body PH is often overlooked. Most people do not know what body PH is all about. Medical reports reveal that a considerable percentage of body disorders are as a result of an imbalance in PH. It is therefore essential to ensure that everything necessary is done to keep the body PH adequately balanced. The recommended PH is 7.4. Anything below or above that line is considered an imbalance in body PH. So, is there a way that one can keep body PH balanced? Here are among others the … [Read more...]
Toronto “Achieve ALL Your Dreams’ event, Jan 20
Are you ready to create an EPIC 2018? Join my friend Carol’s LIVE event this coming Saturday, and learn the new 3-step goal-setting process that will get you there! And, she’s created a Special 25% Discount for A Celebration Of Women. BUY TICKETS HERE I hope to see you there! Join us for this FULL DAY of live training... and learn the system you need to actually achieve all you desire next year. Get ready to “Achieve All Your Dreams in 2018!” Stop THINKING about … [Read more...]