How to Tell if Your Relationship Is on Its Last Legs

Few things combine as much frustration and joy as romance. When things are going well, every day can be a delight. When they go poorly, it can easily seem as if you're wasting your time with somebody who will never be able to make you happy, only for everything to improve as if by magic the next week. Nobody ever said that being happy means being happy all the time. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and requires us to act differently than we might if we were single. In general, the … [Read more...]

Jesus was not poor: A proof based on 25 Biblical Evidences [Kindle Edition]

While on earth "was Jesus rich or poor?". This debate is going in the christian world for decades and all I thought was "this information has nothing to do with my spiritual life, so why bother?" Being a Christian, I suffered in almost all areas of my life including finances and I always questioned 'why God this to me?' But when I went through this book link accidentally, a quote in the description which said "When people say Jesus was poor, they are SINNING, because they are … [Read more...]

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