Empowering Women to Succeed, a Live Event in the Toronto, GTA, Canada area. Sponsored by Constant Contact! Empowering Women to Succeed • Improve your business with new tools and resources • Build new valuable relationships and joint venture relationships • High level networking training sessions • When you think there is no light at the end of the tunnel….. You can have the career of your dreams and the family life you always desired. Register NOW and we will show you … [Read more...]
TLG hosts HABITAT for HUMANITY Fundraiser, AUG 27 Toronto
Tamara L. Graham principle decorator of TLG INTERIORS and Team Leader of Women's Build for HABITAT is hosting this amazing event. Tamara and her Team invite YOU to JOIN US on AUGUST 27 Tamara is a young and successful entrepreneur who holds her certificate in Interior Decorating and is an avid believer in the Ancient practice of Feng Shui. She lives and works in the Toronto area while her network within the industry expands beyond that through the world of Social Media. TLG Interiors … [Read more...]
Learn to Meditate in 1 Minute, Charlie Knoles
At our revitalize summit, MindBodyGreen CEO and Founder Jason Wachob dared meditation teacher Charlie Knoles to teach everyone in the audience how to meditate in just one minute. Here's what he did! … [Read more...]
‘Translating Energy’, leads to Your Life Purpose
Translating Energy Archangel Michael via Daniel Scranton “Translating energy is an art form." You are all receiving energy from the higher realms and from each other. Translating that energy into something that will be of value to yourselves and others enables you to understand better the energy that you receive. It is not about what you receive. It is about what you do with it, how you use it, what purpose you give it. That could be seen as your overall life’s purpose. … [Read more...]
There are Energy Steal-ers, everywhere, Beware!
Energy steal-ers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is a Psychic Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case the vampire is sucking our vital energy, depleting us and causing us to become unhealthy emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Spiritual purification and cord cutting are some tools that can keep the vampires away! What does the term ‘Psychic Vampire’ … [Read more...]
Rodan + Fields® going global, is Coming To Canada!!!
Rodan + Fields® was founded in 2002 by renowned dermatologists Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields. The doctors set out to make high-quality skin treatment available to everyone, without injections or invasive procedures. The company quickly became a leading clinical skincare brand in top-tier department stores. To broaden their reach and achieve their vision, Rodan + Fields became the first prestige skincare line to exit the department store and enter the direct selling market in … [Read more...]
Helen Clark, Floods in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Serbia
There is a pressing need in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to make rapid progress on meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people as a result of the disastrous floods in May, said UN development chief Helen Clark during her visit to Brussels for the international donor conference in support of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the devastating floods, a UN Team of Experts , which was deployed for the first time of history of Serbia, arrived in the country within 36 hours’ time. … [Read more...]
The Dark Side of Brazil’s Love for Women’s Soccer
This summer's World Cup will bring together two things for which Brazil is internationally renowned: soccer and beautiful women. While Brazil's reputation for sexy ladies and futebol are mixed together in the advertising leading up to the games, it's another story on the field. The struggles of women attempting to break into the male-dominated world of soccer reveals the darker side of the beautiful game. For a country renowned for its passion and prowess in the sport, acceptance of … [Read more...]
The Path to Feminine Fulfillment, 8 weeks starts July 1
There are a lot of studies out there telling us that women (and men) are not as happy as they used to be –– Women’s Happiness, in particular, has been in a steady decline since 1972, both relative to where they were 40 years ago, and relative to men. This is no surprise to me, because I’ve been hearing the same thing from clients and women who attend my workshops for years. Research suggests that one of the culprits deflating our happiness bubble is our ability to lead two lives (as a … [Read more...]
Are You Settling For Less Than You Deserve?
Virginia Clark, Guest Author There's a big difference between being accommodating and ignoring your needs. Being single can be frustrating. It can make us feel lonely and sad as we watch our friends pair up and settle down. It might make us feel hopeless and wonder if it will ever be our turn. But that's no reason to settle for a relationship that isn't giving what you want or what you deserve. Settling for less is an epidemic with women. We will settle for less than we deserve in our … [Read more...]