Are You Settling For Less Than You Deserve?

Virginia Clark, Guest Author There's a big difference between being accommodating and ignoring your needs. Being single can be frustrating. It can make us feel lonely and sad as we watch our friends pair up and settle down. It might make us feel hopeless and wonder if it will ever be our turn. But that's no reason to settle for a relationship that isn't giving what you want or what you deserve. Settling for less is an epidemic with women. We will settle for less than we deserve in our … [Read more...]

5 Secrets For A Happy Marriage‏, Virginia Clark

Sometimes I think marriage is wasted on the young. The qualities that insure a happy marriage are those most of us only begin to master after going through many painful life lessons. I didn’t marry for the first time until I was 53 years old, and by that time I had been through so many rocky relationships that I was “forced” into learning how to be a better woman. Pain was my greatest teacher. I finally stopped using it as an excuse to feel sorry for myself and began to pay attention to how … [Read more...]

3 Lies You’re Telling Yourself, Keep You Single

3 Lies You’re Telling Yourself, Keep You Single Here's how your negative internal monologue may be pushing love away. I don't want you to feel like a crazy person, but have you noticed how much you talk to yourself? Everyone does it, and you're probably not an exception. Even now, while you read these words, your mind is chatting to you. Indeed, our 'self-talk' is active during every waking moment. Much of what we say to ourselves is made up of repetitive ideas that we're not … [Read more...]

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