INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Words to live by, for all Women

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Amelia Earhart *Tribute – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to share this Celebration of the Life of a woman that exemplified courage, perseverence, strength and vision; all wrapped in one. In honor of INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION DAY, it seemed only appropriate to take this moment in time to Celebrate the Life of this Famous Pioneer Female Flyer. Earhart was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross, awarded for becoming the first aviatrix to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Please … [Read more...]

A `Knowing Woman` Nurturing the Feminine Soul, Jo Garceau ~ WOMEN in RECOVERY

A Celebration of Women urges You as a Woman, to Follow Your Heart ... know Your Purpose in Life. Psychology of Women Depth psychology, introduced by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, pioneered the idea of unconscious aspects of human consciousness. In this model, much of human thought and action is culturally and/or personally repressed because it is deemed unacceptable. Since the culture historically placed women in a secondary … [Read more...]

Shannon Smith, Premiere Image Intl. – WOMAN of ACTION™

A Celebration of Women™ is elated today to Celebrate the Life of yet another powerhouse of a woman. This woman has risen above incredible adversity throughout her life, maintained Grace throughout and Took Action. Instead of succumbing to her challenges and experiences in her early life, this WOMAN of ACTION took the lead in her own life, created the changes that were necessary to succeed and live the lifestlye that she knew was the only one for her! Today, this powerhouse of a woman … [Read more...]


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INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO – Self Acceptance & Forgiveness

No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward. God created you for His good Purpose. You are important and know that you are called to add value to the world around you. You have rich treasure inside you that people need. You have more in you than you realize, and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. EXERCISE: Once You have addressed Yourself with Dignity and Respect in Your thoughts, then … [Read more...]

WOMAN of ACTION™ – Pilar Viviente (Maria Pilar Viviente Sole)

  A Celebration of Women™ is honored to Celebrate the Life of this Amazing Woman, Pilar of Spain.   Her Life is devoted to her passions in the world of Art and Surrealism. Her passion includes offering her personal time to assist in the Mission of UNESCO, helping children of our World. This Woman is a True Power of Example of PERSEVERENCE, teaching the Women of our World to 'never, never give up....'   WOMAN of ACTION™     Pilar Viviente (Maria … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Why is my religion ‘Kindness’?

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SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day

Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "One of the most lasting pleasures you can experience is the feeling that comes over you when you forgive an enemy - whether he knows it or not." Author, O.A. Battista   Your Action for today is... 'to think of someone who has hurt you and see if you can forgive them.'   Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox     Be the change that you want to see!   Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del … [Read more...]


YOU are Never Alone .... … [Read more...]

Lai Ping Lee – WOMAN of ACTION™

A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Amazing Example of Faith in Action. Not only did she Follow her Dream, she left her life as she knew it, taking only a backpack, and engaged on a Journey into Self. This WOMAN of ACTION found that the Joyof Self 'is' in the Service of Others! Aside from her personal accomplishments, Lai Ping's greatest achievement is finding a 'Knowing' that the Calling from the Divine Femine is one that every Woman on Earth must … [Read more...]

Access Your Power – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Scientists claim that we are only using a tiny fraction of our mind power. What would it be like if we accessed most of our mind’s potential? I believe that we would be able to heal ourselves and the planet completely. People are already using the healing power of their minds to heal their bodies. I believe that you can too. Guided meditations are some of the best to start your healing journey with. This is because you have a guide. Some of them are also created to target specific things … [Read more...]


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WOMAN of ACTION – Nicola Karesh

A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this wonderful woman, that is an accomplished author, therapist and substance abuse counselor. While finding herself guided to be a Stay-at-Home Mom, she also was graced her with her own Spiritual Experience that lead her to the work as she does today.....writing, helping others that she graciously offers to the Women of our World. WOMAN of ACTION Nicola Karesh 'Originally from Jamaica, I have been … [Read more...]

STIGMA & DISCRIMINATION: Saving the SAD Generation

MENTAL ILLNESS: Stigma and Discrimination CONTACT HERE Mental illness attracts less empathy and more distrust than other forms of illness. People may consciously or unconsciously blame the people with mental illness for their condition, implying a character flaw rather than a disorder. Another misconception is that mental illness is a "life sentence" with no chance of recovery. Some people believe that those with mental illness are unable to contribute to society: … [Read more...]

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