Paralegal in Southern Ontario, Canada taking action Affordable Representation

"LEGAL REPRESENTATION" "All the Difference in the World" Protect yourself with "Legal Representation", in the Courtroom! * Don't get lost in the "system" alone, no need to Appear in Court! * Landlord & Tenant Collections and/or Claims. * Save your Driver's License, Auto Insurance, Points, Traffic Tickets! * SMALL CLAIMS- A/R- Collect Your Money {up to $25,000}. * Court Representation strengthens Traffic Ticket Reduction! Legal representation in our "system" … [Read more...]


Rapid change is often unsettling and can be stressful, but only because it seems to be too rapid and therefore threatening. Remember that you have agreed on the higher level to be part of the change, and that the changes are to bring in Light, Love, Joy and Abundance. Operate from your Heart rather than your head. If there is fear, then it is coming from your head. Stay grounded and open, and be practical. If you are in the flow of Divine Creative energy, then you cannot fail. … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – World Peace through the eyes of a Woman

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SHIRLEE HALL – BE Embracing the Mystery: Excerpt 5

BE Embracing the Mystery "... There is an Arabic saying: "If you wish to know God, you must know yourself." As you learn to consciously identify with your divine nature, the greater is the joy of the soul. Once you choose to seek pleasure of the higher order, you breathe a new rhythm, the door opens and the power and presence of God brings out the perfection and beauty of the sublime life. If there is a physical body, it stands to reason that there is a spiritual one. … [Read more...]

VERONICA – Clutter in the Linear

A Message from VERONICA Clutter in The Linear "Participating in life with the best intent and desire can still leave one feeling despondent over the lack of progress. "Life" surely appears to get in the way of spiritual awareness. Some religious movements prescribe the leaving of linear pursuits to embrace only spiritual. Others embrace a focusing of thought while still others teach a symbolic regimen of ritual to clear one's path to heaven. With all the methods … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – ‘BEING’ in the Moment expands Your ‘BEING.’

“Listen like you will never be hurt” – without fear, in the present. It means letting go of the memories of past hurts, and of not worrying about whether the love will last – just enjoying it for the moment. Ask yourself: “How would I listen, if I was guaranteed not get hurt”? Would I listen with trust, with faith, with joy, with harmony? 'BEING' in the Moment ... expands Your 'BEING.'   It's easy to get busy in life trying to do everything at once. You … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Freedom is a Woman’s Human Right

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SHIRLEE HALL – BE Embracing the Mystery: Excerpt 4

BE Embracing the Mystery "...If you are committed in seeking truth and loving the journey, you will be able at some point on the road toward completeness to establish an intimate relationship with our invisible friends. They are willing companions whose love, light and wisdom enrich our lives immeasurably. Angels desire to share and assist in the area of spiritual growth, helping us move quickly toward the unique spiritual destiny that is designated for the children of God. … [Read more...]

SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day

Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."Author, Poet and Philosopher, Henry David Thoreau Your Action for today is ... 'to spend a few moments looking at a framed painting you have at home and reconnect with the feelings it evokes'. Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you what to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del Rio … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Procrastination

Procrastination As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. Your success will come from facing your challenges when they arise and discovering new paradigm solutions. You will have opportunities to pinpoint and resolve many longstanding issues during this cycle. The key here is staying in the present and addressing what is there, when it is in front of you. This means avoiding the temptation to 'procrastinate'. It … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – The Celebration Pebble has Dropped

Take Action~~the Celebration Pebble has Dropped   … [Read more...]

Wendy J. Elkin, Painting Bolinas – WOMAN of ACTION™

A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this adventurous, loving and talented woman with a curiosity for life, that, as she would say "My insatiable curiosity often gets the best of me." This woman began her Journey as a special education teacher, then, working as a photographer of the public, finding herself attracted to the Civil Rights Leaders. It was during an IN-KIND DRIVE as Art Commissioner for the city of Mill Valley, that the dream of her life began. She has … [Read more...]

Co-dependency & B.P.D., A.J. Mahari – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Co-dependence & BPD Codependence is defined in many ways. It is also very misunderstood by a great many people. There are many traps involved in being enmeshed in codependent relational patterns. In this article I outline 5 of the most common thought traps of those exhibiting codependent issues in relationships. I have learned these 5 main traps, not only from my own past life experience, but also over the last 9 years of life coaching with people who are wanting to change the ways … [Read more...]

SHIRLEE HALL – BE Embracing the Mystery: Excerpt 3

BE Embracing the Mystery Excerpt 3 "....Because mankind is collectively vibrating in a discordant state of balance, suffering is the norm. What is at the crux of humanity's suffering is a serious identity problem. If this were not true, humanity would be collectively happy and not be restrained by emotions and fear. Understanding of the meaning of life and out eternal identity is sorly missing in the thinking mind of man. It is time an awakening occurs. All bodily and psychic … [Read more...]

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