UN Women Training Centre

The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to announce the online Community of Practice (CoP) on Training for Gender Equality is now part of our eLearning Campus. This online community and platform aims to support the informed discussion and reflection on the current trends of training and capacity development for gender equality, the collection and dissemination of good practices and the identification of institutions, opportunities and resources for training for gender equality at the global … [Read more...]

The Virtual Dialogue, OCT 21

Theory of Change and Feminist Pedagogies in Training for Gender Equality This Virtual Dialogue aims to articulate theories of change for training for gender equality; and how feminist pedagogical principles can be applied to training to evoke such change. The unique event will draw together an exceptionally broad audience, including the 1,600 members of the Training Centre's Community of Practice (CoP), experts, practitioners, researchers, academics and development organisations in a … [Read more...]

Women’s Equality Day, AUG 26

Women's Equality Day is a day proclaimed each year by the United States President to commemorate the granting of the vote to women throughout the country. Women in the United States were granted the right to vote on August 26, 1920, when the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was certified as law. The amendment was first introduced many years earlier in 1878. Every president has published a proclamation for Women's Equality Day since 1972, the year after legislation was first … [Read more...]

Why Do Less Women Than Men Do MBA Courses?

A graduate degree, such as an online masters in business administration, can definitely boost your career opportunities. But, more men than women are heading to college to study for an MBA. Even though the number of women going to college to study business before heading to the boardroom is on the rise, the majority of MBA courses are predominantly made up of men. We’ve taken a look into why this is happening and why more ladies aren’t signing up for MBA and online MBA courses. Reasons for … [Read more...]

7 Reasons Why Being a Strong Woman Is Great for Your Relationship

It can be quite common in a relationship for women to lose themselves a little in a relationship as the man tends to dominate and become the alpha. There is no need for anyone to be the alpha in a relationship though. It is important that both people in the relationship have equal power. With both man and woman being equal in a relationship, no one will feel under pressure more than the other and no one will feel like they’re getting left behind. It is important that couples enjoy their time … [Read more...]

The Power of Gender Parity for Business and The Economy

Women matter to companies—they are their employees, their suppliers, their customers, and members of the broader community. A more gender-equal economic and business environment—and society—can benefit companies in a myriad of ways. Businesses mustn’t leave policy makers with the brunt of the responsibility on gender issues; they have a very significant role to play and it is in their interest to do so. Two new McKinsey reports underscore the economic and business case for gender parity and … [Read more...]

Humanism or Eudaimonia, that is the question

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism). The meaning of the term humanism has fluctuated, according to the successive intellectual movements which have identified with it. Generally, however, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of a "human nature" (sometimes … [Read more...]

WAF, “Do women still need feminism?”

Do Women still need feminism? A controversial social media movement called Women Against Feminism features women explaining — mostly in “selfies” with handwritten signs — why they do not. Feminist responses have ranged from bafflement to vitriol or mockery to arguments that these women don’t know what feminism is. But while this new movement has its silly aspects, it raises some much-needed questions about feminism’s present and future state — and, in the weeks since it first attracted … [Read more...]

Are you an ‘activist’?

Activism is quite simply Taking Action to effect social change; this can occur in a myriad of ways and in a variety of forms. Often it is concerned with ‘how to change the world’ through social, political, economic or environmental change. This can be led by individuals but is often done collectively through social movements. The activism industry consists of organizations and individuals engaged in activism. Activism is often done full-time, as part of an organization's core business. Many … [Read more...]

Awareness: Gender and Social Justice

Awareness leads to Action: Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as a human's or an animal's perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. Awareness is a … [Read more...]

Women Stop War, Conference in Hague, April 27/29

100 years after over 1300 of WILPF’s founding women first came together in The Hague in protest of World War I, we still live in a world where women’s voices and experiences are excluded, bringing continued violence and war. We know now what we knew then, that only when we analyse conflict from a gender perspective, integrating disarmament, human rights, the environment, social justice, and the women, peace and security agenda holistically will we be able to eradicate the root causes of … [Read more...]

WOMEN and LEADERSHIP, does still Gender Matter?

International Women's Day 2015 was celebrated just last Sunday, and thousands of women's groups around the world created events to celebrate the positive steps taken this last year globally for all women. Some focused on gender equality, some on positive action and others chose independent themes that affect a woman's life in specific areas. Regardless of topic, all areas of a woman's life is important to the positive change this planet needs, in these critical times of change. The primary … [Read more...]

UN WOMEN, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director

Message of the Executive Director: We call on countries to “step it up” for gender equality Message of Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women, for International Women’s Day 2015. In 1995, at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, world leaders committed to a future where women are equal. One hundred and eighty nine countries and 4,000 civil society organizations, attended the conference. Women left Beijing with high hopes, with a well-defined path towards … [Read more...]

Laughter … is Integral to Mental Health

Laughter is a great thing -- that's why we've all heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. In this article, we'll look at laughter -- what it is, what happens in our brains when we laugh, what makes us laugh and how it can make us healthier and happier. You'll also learn that there's a tremendous amount that no one understands yet. First of all, all laughter has a clear mental component. … [Read more...]

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