WOMEN in RECOVERY – Embrace Change

  CHANGE     Let the light in open your heart to a new infusion of Divine love. Trust in God . Embrace the changes flow with the current of love everything will work out.   "With all that is going on in the world today...it is important to understand that change is inevitable. Just like nature experiences "change" -- change of seasons, climate, weather, etc...we as humans also must embrace the "change" that life brings our way.  Change is good...it helps … [Read more...]

WOMAN of ACTION™ – Laura Farago

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this powerhouse of a woman, leading the way for all women to Take Action with their health, as she rises above all the challenges of CANCER.   This woman leader is now devoting her life to the health of all the women of our world.     WOMAN of ACTION™       Laura Farago        Battling her Bone Cancer put a new focus on Friendship! This is Her Story, in her Own … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Spiritual Cleansing is Key

    Spiritual Cleansing....begin now.    There are a several different methods of spiritual healing you can try. One of such methods is spiritual healing through tantra massage.   This technique will relax your mind and body ...    Start Your Spiritual Healing Photo by h.koppdelaney via Flickr    Releasing emotions that have been buried is the ongoing work of a lifetime for each of us. We can do this for ourselves and we can help others by facilitating the release of emotional blocks for … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – Renewal of Spirit: Traditional Chinese Medicine

         The Spirit of Renewal: Spring and Traditional Chinese Medicine         By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM Spring: It is the long-awaited change of winter to spring. Seeds sprout, flowers bloom, and the sun warms the earth. There is a sense of renewal and new life all around. While winter was a time to conserve energy and reduce activity, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit.      The Principle of the Five Elements The five … [Read more...]

APRIL is National Autism Awareness Month !!!

National Autism Awareness Month April is National Autism Awareness Month. Autism, known more precisely as the autism spectrum disorders (ASD’s), represents a broad group of developmental disorders characterized by impaired social interactions, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors, or severely limited activities and interests. During this time it is important to reflect on this urgent public health challenge and rededicate ourselves to addressing the … [Read more...]

Contraceptive Commodities for Women’s Health

  Contraceptive Commodities for Women's Health Key Data and Findings Author: UNFPA No. of pages: 29 Publication date: 2012 Available languages: English Download PDF - English Expanding access to a choice of affordable and appropriate contraceptive commodities is critical to achieving the goal of reproductive health for all. This report, prepared for the United Nations Commission on Commodities for Women and Children’s Health, provides a review of three contraceptive … [Read more...]

Women and girls who use drugs, in Afghanistan

March 2012 - Until 2009, available data showed Afghanistan as a country with a low HIV prevalence rate. However, research conducted in Kabul, Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif in 2009 showed an average HIV prevalence of 7.1 per cent among people who inject drugs. Of one million drug users, 110,000 of whom are female, only 10 per cent have access to treatment services. Drug use is a problem across the globe. luckily, in the United States, we have access to drug tests using urine that make it impossible to … [Read more...]

Medicines for Maternal Health, Key Data and Findings

Medicines for Maternal Health Key Data and Findings Download PDF English Expanding access to quality, affordable maternal health medicines is critical to making progress in reducing maternal mortality. However, significant challenges often impede such access. Chief among them is a lack of data on the needs, gaps, systems and financing for maternal health medicines. This report, prepared for the United Nations Commission on Commodities for Women and Children’s Health, … [Read more...]

Secretary Sebelius Introduces MyCare

Secretary Sebelius unveils “MyCare” stories Personal stories across the country show how the health care law is working for Americans Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today unveiled “MyCare,” a collection of online personal video and blog stories of Americans helped by the Affordable Care Act. MyCare is a new educational initiative to help inform Americans about new programs, benefits and rights under the health care law. Americans are encouraged to share their own … [Read more...]

Gynecological Surgery Abroad, Lauren Ben

  A Celebration of Women This woman is the editor-in-chief of TicketMed AND is a certified Medical Tourism provider operating for over a decade, with the additional goal of promoting patient education. Among other medical subjects, Lauren's site also provides readers with an extensive yet user-friendly look at the various diseases and treatment options.     Gynecological Surgery Abroad   It is not easy for a female patient to be told by her doctor that she may need … [Read more...]

HIV Prevention and Care, A Transformative Time

A Transformative Time for HIV Prevention and Care March 2012 By Grant Colfax, MD, MPH, Director, Office of National AIDS Policy (Cross-posted from White House Office of National AIDS Policy Blog) It’s a great honor to join an Administration that’s done so much to address the HIV epidemic. I especially want to acknowledge ONAP’s prior director, Jeff Crowley, for his stellar leadership over the past three years. This is a transformative time for HIV prevention and care: recent research … [Read more...]

PACHA Meeting Examines Women and HIV

  PACHA Meeting Examines Women and HIV, Other Issues at Winter Meeting   At the end of last month, the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) convened for its first meeting of 2012. It was my privilege to lead that meeting, my first as PACHA’s new chairperson. Our agenda was a very full one and the discussions thoughtful, rich, and informative. As we embarked on our work, we were all mindful of and inspired by the President’s historic commitment to end the … [Read more...]

Ethiopia by Task-Shifting Procedures, Saving Women’s Lives

  Finding ways to deliver for women where doctors are in short supply TIGRAY REGION, Ethiopia — “We are all looking to you to be a window of hope to reduce the unnecessary death of mothers and newborns during pregnancy and delivery in rural Ethiopia,” said Dr.Tedros Adhanom, the Minister of Health, as he handed over degrees to the first graduates at Ayder Hospital of his country’s programme in Integrated Emergency Surgery and Obstetrics. The first graduating class of the new … [Read more...]

UNFPA, Launch of First-Ever Global Map of Devastating Childbirth Injury

Launch of First-Ever Global Map of Devastating Childbirth Injury SANTA BARBARA, CA/ SAN JOSE, CA/ UNITED NATIONS, New York—The largest and most comprehensive map of available services for women living with obstetric fistula was launched today by Direct Relief International, the Fistula Foundation, and UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. The release of the Global Fistula Map, a major step forward in understanding the landscape of worldwide treatment capacity for … [Read more...]

Viral Hepatitis in People With Substance Use Disorders

  Addressing Viral Hepatitis in People With Substance Use Disorders March 1, 2012 By Ronald Valdiserri, M.D., M.P.H., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases, and Director, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services   Our colleagues at SAMHSA have just released a new Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP), Addressing Viral Hepatitis in People With Substance Use Disorders. This is an important and helpful step toward … [Read more...]

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