In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct … [Read more...]
Lynette Palmen AM – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this superb example of tireless caring, determination, and perseverence. Devoting her life to the WOMEN of AUSTRALIA, this powerhouse has built the largest women's networking organization across the continent, and has been gifted to title: ~ Australia’s Queen of Networking ~ WOMAN of ACTION™ Lynette Palmen AM ~ Australia’s Queen of Networking ~ Running a … [Read more...]
UN Women working towards a sustainable future
Women play a central role in advancing sustainable development. Everyday women take decisions that impact sustainable development—be it the use of land, water, energy, or forests or through their contributions to their families and the economy. If they have equal access to resources and opportunities and are part of the decision-making processes, women can become drivers of sustainable development. In partnership with women, their communities, and grassroots organizations, UN Women supports many … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Karla M. Davis
A Celebration of Women has truly been inspired to Celebrate this Life! Karla, a published author, coach, real estate, world reknown speaker and more, is a wonderful woman that devotes her life to educating others....her Calling is Transformation. This amazing woman is here to help the Women of our World and can tranform your life, regain human dignity and self-respect through the teachings of an old age practice, Etiquette and Grace. WOMAN of ACTION Karla M. … [Read more...]
‘EveTeasing’ [euphemism-sexual harassment] lead Women to Commit Suicide
Sexual harassment in Bangladesh ... that led the government to declare June 13th "Eve Teasing Protection Day." Sexual harassment in Bangladesh is driving women to commit suicide as a means of escape. According to local human rights groups 28 women committed suicide this year to escape frequent sexual harassment. Before killing themselves most of them wrote a note demanding an end to the sexual harassment known locally as ‘eve teasing’ where boys intercept girls on … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Mind to Matter
Your Higher Power and all who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. When you take time to communicate with God - Your Higher Power, Strength into your life is the Gift returned. Be reassured in the multitude of anxious thoughts within you that Divine love comforts you. Take these thoughts from 'mind to matter' and write them down. Your Higher Power will Comfort with the Energy of Divine Love. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask Your … [Read more...]
Egypt, Human Chain against Sexual Harassment – “I Wish” … “Nefsi”
“I wish I could walk around without being hurt by inappropriate words.” On a Wednesday in May 2012, inspired by snowballing social media discussions on sexual harassment in Egypt, a group of independent activists took the conversation to an offline public. They aimed to build support in Cairo and beyond, using the most simple of approaches: the country’s first ‘human chain’ against sexual harassment. In line with the global UN project, “Safe Cities”, which works to make cities and … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Jackie Paulson
A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this Amazing Woman that has "Seen the Light" and has decided to devote her Life to sharing this experience with others; so to help in the Healing and in the search for One Purpose in Life, and she is now available to the Women of our World... WOMAN of ACTION Jackie Paulson Jackie Paulson is a qualified Paralegal and holds a two year degree from Kaplan University in Chicago, Illinois as a … [Read more...]
Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD – WOMEN in RECOVERY
Borderline Personality Do you have someone in your life that suffers behaviours that are completely out of control? Do you have moments with this same person that are loving and heartwarming; then, twenty minutes later, this same person is threatening to kill you? Does this person have moments of violent outbursts that make no sense to those around them? Does this person cry at extremely inappropriate times with no reason for sadness that are apparent? The above … [Read more...]