World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day? Each year, hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited. In addition, elders throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation, funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care. Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs in every demographic, and can happen to … [Read more...]

Tried and Tested Anti-Aging Tips

Aging happens to be an utterly inevitable part of life, both in the mental sense and in the physical sense. It’s certainly nothing to be upset about, given the fact that appearances matter and those extra creases around your eyes can communicate your wisdom and your compassion as well as your age. But for those who are looking to roll back the years appearance-wise, there are methods of anti-aging that are worth giving a go; things that millions of people have chosen to do over the years to … [Read more...]

Tips on Looking After Your Body as You Grow Older

Age is something that happens to everyone, and although some might not like getting older, the truth is that you cannot prevent it. However, just because you are getting older, it doesn’t mean that you should be less fit or active than you have always been. Although you might not be able to do all the things you used to, you can still keep fit in both body and mind. Here are some ideas you can use to protect your body and brain as you get older. Positive Attitude One of the best ways to … [Read more...]

6 Top Tips for Dealing with Menopause

Many women may not realize what is happening to their body when they first enter their menopausal years. Yet, they may experience a variety of permanent or temporary symptoms, such as mood swings, insomnia, and hot flashes. Eventually, they may come to realize that they’re living with menopause. To alleviate some of the problems, we’re offering six top tips for dealing with menopause. 1. Avoid Hot Flash Triggers Are you experiencing many hot flashes each day? If so, you’ll be happy to … [Read more...]

Top 10 Issues for Women’s Health

"In 2015, in too many countries, “women’s empowerment” remains a pipedream - little more than a rhetorical flourish added to a politician’s speech..." Dr Flavia Bustreo, ADG We've come a long way since 1995--and it is time to celebrate women and their achievements. But it is also time to take stock of how women’s rights are fulfilled in the world --especially the right to health. Twenty years after countries signed pledges in the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action, women still … [Read more...]

WellStory, January is Alzheimer’s Month

WellStory WellStory’s certified support workers and personal care aides support our clients in their goal of maintaining an independent lifestyle. Often, our clients are able to manage very well if provided the right supports. To that end, we help our clients with a wide variety of everyday activities so they can continue to live their life to its fullest. Letter from a Mother to a Daughter: "My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of … [Read more...]

‘Aging Gracefully’, The Role of Attitude and Lifestyle

  'Aging Gracefully' The Role of Attitude and Lifestyle     Two Basic Requirements of Graceful Aging What I’ve discovered is that there are two “basic requirements” of graceful aging. To borrow from the “Serenity Prayer”, graceful aging requires the “serenity to accept the things we cannot change; courage to change the things we can; and wisdom to know the difference.”  Certainly acceptance of aging is a key to aging gracefully – but which of the changes that commonly … [Read more...]

Stop Wasting Time!, Larry James @

Stop Wasting Time! It’s funny how for many of us tomorrow looks better than today for getting things done. For doing the things we know must be done. We put off those things that are so important for us and we lie to ourselves by saying that we will do them later, we will do them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Stop fooling around, it is your life that you’re playing with, your future and the future of the people you love. It’s time to stop putting off until tomorrow what … [Read more...]

The Role of Attitude and Lifestyle – Aging Gracefully

    A Celebration of Women presents.... 'Aging Gracefully'   The Role of Attitude and Lifestyle        Two Basic Requirements of Graceful Aging What I’ve discovered is that there are two “basic requirements” of graceful aging. To borrow from the “Serenity Prayer”, graceful aging requires the “serenity to accept the things we cannot change; courage to change the things we can; and wisdom to know the difference.”  Certainly acceptance of aging is a key to aging gracefully – … [Read more...]

National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day – September 18th !!!

National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day September 18, 2011   What do you know about the risk of HIV infection for older adults? If the answer is “not much,” we can help. The 4th annual National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAAD ) will take place on September 18, 2011. NHAAAD raises awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS and the importance of HIV testing and prevention education for older Americans. The NHAAAD campaign theme is “Aging is a part of … [Read more...]

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