This is a brand new day... Don't let the pressures of life push those dreams down. Stir up those dreams. Shake off every disappointment and press forward. Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, you are going to keep pressing forward. This is an important time for you to learn new ideas or skills. Get a new vision. You are going to keep learning. You are going to stay active. If you will stay passionate about life, knowing what your purpose is and being your best every … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: Get ready for Earth changes
Spiritual reawakening spend some time alone in quiet thought. It is important that you allow yourself to decompress find quiet time to reflect, continue to grow spiritually, nourish yourself spiritually and emotional. You were created to make a difference to impact our society to make this world a better place. Listen and honor your feelings. God is here for you, divine guidance has opened the door. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING - Get ready for Earth changes The spiritual awakening … [Read more...]
Gambling – Women in Recovery
PROBLEM GAMBLING....? Problem gambling can have tragic consequences for the entire family. Effective intervention with the gambler begins with careful assessment of clinical issues, client needs and functioning and required level of care. Family members may also require treatment. Freedom from problem gambling and its negative influences is best achieved through individualized behavioral healthcare services combined with participation in self-help groups. ASSESSMENT SERVICES Although … [Read more...]
Shirlee Hall – Self Doubt be Gone!
Create a life worthy of remembering... If you could see yourself as spirit sees you, there would be no doubt about the importance of this life. You would understand why it's so vital that you wake up fully and walk the Earth like the Divine being you truly are. Being able to make miracles happen is fundamentally a result of how you choose to align yourself, how you choose to use your mind, and how much faith you have in being able to use it to affect your physical world. You … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – State of Mind
The Power of Spirituality recognize a power that is greater than our own, is to recognize our Spirituality. We understand the mind/body relationship to be inspired by alignment with one's Highest Spiritual Principle and by that awareness we can choose Truth. Spiritual health is often considered a condition marked by a diminished sense of fear and the daily experience of unconditional love, joy, gratitude, and a personal relationship with your God (1.) (or an awareness of … [Read more...]