SEX TRAFFICKING of CHILDREN: The numbers surprised me. Several thousands of women and girls each year routinely forced to have sex multiple times per day? 1 official and many unofficial trafficking circuits spanning the country? Over 5,000 brothels disguised as massage parlors? 13 as the average age of entrance into the trade? $200,000 in profit per girl/child per year? The land of the free? Yes, I’m talking about America. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in … [Read more...]
Joint Programme on Rural Women with Rome-based agencies
Michelle Bachelet remarks at the launch of the Joint Programme on Rural Women with Rome-based agencies, “Accelerating Progress toward the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women”. New York, 27 September 2012. Good afternoon. Welcome, President Johnson-Sirleaf; our distinguished panelists and participants; and our co-hosts, the Governments of Brazil, Canada, Liberia and the Netherlands. Thank you for your partnership and strong support. It is wonderful to be here with all of you. This … [Read more...]
United Nations is counting on active engagement of Pacific Nations
September 2012 – The United Nations is counting on the leadership and active engagement of Pacific island nations in tackling some of today’s pressing challenges, including achieving the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), advancing sustainable development and promoting gender equality, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said yesterday. “Now more than ever, we must work to align our priorities and objectives,” Mr. Ban said in his remarks to the first-ever meeting … [Read more...]
UNDP offers six-point plan to fast-track women in politics, Asia-Pacific
UNDP THAILAND/MARK S. COGAN | ABC JOURNALIST HELEN BROWN MODERATES A DISCUSSION OF PROMINENT POLITICAL ACTORS SHARING THEIR THOUGHTS ON WHY THE PUSH FOR POLITICAL EQUALITY IN ASIA LANGUISHES BEHIND OTHER REGIONS. BANGKOK — It will take 50 years for gender balance to be achieved in Asia-Pacific national legislatures if the increase in women’s participation in parliaments remains at the current pace, says a UN Development Programme (UNDP) study released this week. Economic progress will be … [Read more...]
V-DAY, Dr. Mukwege, Godfather of V-Men, Puts Out a Call to Men
Dr. Mukwege, Godfather of the V-Men Movement, Calls on Men Throughout Africa & the World End Violence Against Women & Cherish Women's Vaginas - OCTOBER 4, 2012 August 27 - 29, V-Day, with support from the Skoll Foundation and the Wallace Global Fund, convened 48 activists and social entrepreneurs from 17 countries in Africa for the first ever V-Africa Summit, held in Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Denis Mukwege, Founder of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu. DRC and the … [Read more...]
Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls must be punished
September 2012 – Violence against women and girls and the indiscriminate extraction of natural resources are among the most pressing issues that indigenous peoples face today, a United Nations human rights expert said today. “A recurring issue that has come to my attention in various contexts is that of violence against indigenous women and girls,” said the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, in his statement to the UN Human Rights Council in … [Read more...]
Lynette Palmen, WN Australia – HOT OFF the Press !!!
It's hot off the press and in a few days WNA Members will be receiving their copy of the Spring issue of 'Working Women'. You know - I always struggle with editing and layout decisions and complain throughout the entire publishing process, but nothing feels as satisfying as when that truck pulls up outside the office to dump a fresh edition of our fabulous glossy magazine. We've been publishing the magazine for over 19 years, but to this day I am still like a child when it arrives, … [Read more...]
Lorna Blake – I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (Video)
- Lorna Blake - 'I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You?' (UFO Disclosure + World Conference 2012 Info) How are you? I trust your weekend is going well:) Here's a video of people from all over the world experiencing galactic encounters. This video has been produced and released by InLIght Radio for you to share with all your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues - and the world - to let them know that our Galactic family is here. For … [Read more...]
Spiritual Pilgrimage Anyone? – 9 Sacred Sites you won’t believe!
'... truly beyond belief' If you’re looking for a truly off-the-beaten path adventure with a spiritual side, few destinations rival these sacred sites. A combination of architectural marvels and temples built by eccentric orders, the spiritual sanctuaries in this feature are truly beyond belief. 1] The Temple Where Rats Rule The Karni Mata Temple in India has something every wandering soul seeking spiritual fulfillment yearns for: thousands and thousands of rats. Considered the … [Read more...]
World Urban Forum 6 – Naples Italy, 1-7 September 2012
World Urban Forum 6 Naples, Italy, 1-7 September 2012 Host / Sponsor: UN-Habitat and Partners The World Urban Forum was established by the United Nations to examine one of the most pressing problems facing the world today: rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies. In the space of a few short years, the Forum has turned into the world's premier conference on cities. Since the first meeting in … [Read more...]
Papua New Guinea’s newest parliamentarians, a time for women
... a time for Women in Papua New Guinea Since Papua New Guinea’s independence in 1975, none of its parliaments have comprised more than 2 per cent of women. Efforts to address traditional attitudes in the country and support women candidates and voters have shown signs of impact, yet the political landscape for women remains a tough one. In an interview with UN Women, two of the three women members of parliament (MPs) elected in the July 2012 polls detail the challenges they … [Read more...]
Pacific Leaders in Cook Islands 43rd Forum – Michelle Bachelet attends
Michelle Bachelet, UN Women’s Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, will attend the 43rd Pacific Islands Forum Meeting, to be held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 28 to 30 of August 2012. She will attend the Forum on behalf of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the invitation of the Forum host, the Government of the Cooks Islands. This will be Ms Bachelet’s first visit to the Pacific region since her appointment as the Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director in … [Read more...]