Celebrating MAY DAY (May 1) around the Globe!

May Day on May 1 is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival and usually a public holiday; it is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. Traditional May Day Celebrations   May Day is related to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night. May Day falls exactly half a year from November 1, another cross-quarter day which is also associated with various northern European pagan and the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and it has … [Read more...]

The Woman Within® 2013 Weekends, Australia/South Africa – Register Today!

The Woman Within® Training provides a safe and nurturing environment for you to explore how your life could be different and to reaffirm your wholeness as a woman. Since 1988, thousands of women from more than 20 countries have chosen to experience this powerful transformational weekend. About Us Woman Within International is a not-for-profit organization that offers educational opportunities for women to discover the power of who they are and encourages women to communicate this in their … [Read more...]

“How to Host a Holiday Cookie Exchange”

With the holidays upon us, there seems to be an ever-increasing list of things to do and little time to accomplish it all; there are decorations to put up, presents to buy, and items to bake, not to mention getting those presents wrapped and still finding a moment to enjoy a holiday movie with the kids. Wouldn’t it be ideal to be able to cut back on the time spent in the kitchen and replace it with an evening spent with friends instead? You can do just that by hosting a cookie exchange! … [Read more...]

A Gathering for Meditation, Music & Insight! – October 20, Toronto

  A Gathering for Meditation, Music & Insight! with Special Guest Speakers from “A Celebration of Women™”     Saturday, October 20th When: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Where: Bliss Yoga Studio, 2992 Bloor St. W. (enter @ 2 Willingdon Blvd.) Cost: $30.00   Please join Susan Fox, Ann-Marie Boudreau and guests for a special and unique evening of relaxation, meditation, sound and inspiration for women leaders on our planet! Ann-Marie and Susan work together to … [Read more...]

12th Council Gathering, Kathmandu, Nepal – {Book before Sept 15}

Grandmothers Gathering    12th Council Gathering   November 8-11, 2012 Kathmandu, Nepal       "The Grandmothers work is just to pray and hope that the dark energies of the world will surrender under our feet and so we can crush them and walk along the path." Grandmother Aama Bombo   Honoring Grandmother Aama Bombo and her Tamang People of Nepal   This Council Gathering occurs at an auspicious time in autumn, helping to usher in the … [Read more...]

13 Grandmothers Council – Brazil & Mother Earth Festival with Flordemayo‏

10th International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers   The Grandmothers'Voice In the Flow of the Water October 21-24th UNIPAZ (University of Peace) Brasilia, Brazil In honor of Grandmothers Maria Alice Campos Freire, Clara Shinobu Iura, and the peoples of Mapia and Brazil "Gratitude and joy are the words that come out to express what it is to be hosting the 10th Gathering of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, here in Brazil, in South … [Read more...]

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