A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Canadian woman leader that is devoting her life to the betterment of our youth, with a focus on the issue of the Human Trafficking of girls/women in Canada. Being a Survivor herself, after 14 years of suffering at the hands of Human Traffickers, this woman leads the charge to remove the stigma and help young women reach out to safety. WOMAN of ACTION™ Timea … [Read more...]
Does Life have to Be So Hard?, Shirlee Hall
Ever since I could read the printed word and carefully listened to religious teachers and philosophers expound on how they interpret universal law, creation and alchemy, I have always asked myself whether they know the Sublime firsthand. Humanity has been repeatedly impacted with rules, regulations and tedious suggestions on how to attain enlightenment. Could interpretations actually be a ‘back door’ method? According to ancient and current thinking, Pure Awareness, Christ or Buddhic … [Read more...]
Self-control becomes second nature…, Shirlee Hall
HOW DO YOU FIND WHAT YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN? The intention providing life to what I share is to bring and support the light, love and wisdom of your true Nature into physicality. You are the one who must discover your natural state. You succeed by being earnest, questioning and fearless. Together, we keep our mind and heart in harmony. We support each other and encourage a steady remembrance. As light minded beings, we are a blessing to each other. All blessings come from within. We … [Read more...]
We are actually inseparable from our True Nature. Many souls are trapped into believing separation has taken place and that there is some place or level we must return to in order to be liberated. Not so. All we need to do is to genuinely wake up and be aware. A simple reality and yet, we make it complicated. Yes, consciousness is momentarily appearing as phenomena but the body-mind is not a permanent covering. The ideal is to activate the higher consciousness, our true Nature, in the temporary … [Read more...]
August 25th, a very important portal will open!
✿ ✿ Peace Portal Activation August 25th 2013 ✿ ✿ ✿ ♥“Twin” Star of David Star Tetrahedron Merkaba ✿ On August 25th, a very important portal will open that will bring a strong infusion of Light into the conflicted situation on the surface of this planet. The Goddess wants peace/freedom so peace/freedom will come! ✿ ✿ In the next few days of your earthly time, there will once again occur a grand celestial event in your skies as major celestial bodies move into place to form a six … [Read more...]
UPDATE: GREATEST INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE IS TO INVEST IN YOURSELF NOW! June 21, 2013, Friday, 7 PM, Downers Grove, IL. Sacred Breath Healing Workshop. Any questions, ask for the names of people who attend regularly and the life changing experiences they claim as their own. July 7th, 2013, Sunday, 1 PM, ongoing Circle of Light enrichment classes and meditations. Contact: Shirlee 630-202-3818 YOU ARE ALREADY HOME! Come to our offerings and you will discover that you are far … [Read more...]
We Need to Accept, Shirlee Hall
WE NEED TO ACCEPT We need to accept that we are significant; what we think and do forever echoes throughout the universe. We need to accept that there is more to life than the daily toil of survival; the solution is to inwardly awaken. We need to accept the truth that Divine Love and Divine Wisdom move creation in an ongoing symphony. We need to accept there are subtle planes far reaching in thought and vibration interacting with us. We need to accept that everything created is … [Read more...]
Kundalini-light-crown Survey, Shirlee Hall
Kundalini-light-crown Survey You experienced your first Kundalini rising from the base to the head Do you remember if and when? If so, had you been meditating? For how many years? Or, did was the experience spontaneous? When did you first experience the Kundalini throughout your body? In your hands? Had you studied or trained yourself first? Or, was the experience spontaneous and unexpected? Did you understand what was occurring? How Often do you … [Read more...]
The Final Emancipation – Age of Kali, Shirlee Hall
CIRCLE OF LIGHT April 19th, Friday, Sacred Breath Workshop May 5th, Sunday, Class and healing meditation Details: bethemystery@aol.com Look for Shirlee's forthcoming novel, 'Come out of the Basement!' WHY? Do you wonder why there is such profound spiritual ignorance happening everywhere on our planet? What happened to pure intent and the moral character great spiritual leaders encouraged us to develop? There is an explanation. The Western World is not well … [Read more...]
‘Are You Ready?’ , Shirlee Hall
ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to dethrone the anthropomorphic god of the Bible who threatens, instills fear, judgment and the opposite of boundless universal loving-kindness? Are you ready to really think and look seriously at a rational, tolerant way of living that you can actually test and verify through personal experience? Can you become an independent thinker? What many are ready for is a moral and philosophical system which appeals to the masses and the intelligentsia. … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Surrender & Release
Surrender & Release ~~~ Anything & Everything Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~release to the Universe. Anything & Everything second by second ~~~surrender to anything but Self Will. Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~breathe deeply with eyes closed. Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~release Everything, this One Day. Anything & Everything, second by second ~~~Embrace Your Life, this One Day! Anonymous THE … [Read more...]