History of Earth Hour – March 29

ANDY RIDLEY Andy is the CEO and Co-Founder of Earth Hour, the global environmental movement initiated in Sydney, Australia in 2007 as a campaign for action on climate change. Six years ago, we started this project - Earth Hour. It has grown to become the world’s largest mass participation event in history. From 1 to over 7,000 cities. From 1 country to 7 continents. From 2 million to hundreds of millions of people. Earth Hour's mission is three-fold. To bring people together through a … [Read more...]

Kundalini-light-crown Survey‏, Shirlee Hall

    Kundalini-light-crown Survey‏ You experienced your first Kundalini rising from the base to the head Do you remember if and when? If so, had you been meditating? For how many years? Or, did was the experience spontaneous? When did you first experience the Kundalini throughout your body? In your hands? Had you studied or trained yourself first? Or, was the experience spontaneous and unexpected? Did you understand what was occurring? How Often do you … [Read more...]

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