AUTISM & Aperger's Syndrome {in Women} About Women with Autism: 4 Points ... Women with autism are real women. They live, they give birth to babies, they study, they laugh, they go to the movies, museum, café. They travel, explore, read, talk, think, feed this world just as other women do. Women with autism need the world to show ourselves. The world needs them, with their special talents and gifts. Actually, for women with autism life is more difficult then for … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Ginger Katz
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman who truly understands the Power of Love ! Through the death of her own child, she reached for spiritual guidance and was lead onto a path, that today she calls her very own Purpose in Life. Through the drug overdose of her son, this Woman has now devoted her life to helping parents across North America to end the shame and stigma; and Speak Out! SECRETS Keep You SICK! Please join us in Celebrating the Life of a … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Retribution or Reward?
“A woman who has no assured and ever present belief in the existence of a personal God or of a future existence with retribution and reward, can have for her rule of life, as far as I can see, only to follow those impulses and instincts which are the strongest or which seem to her the best ones.... If she acts for the good of others, she will receive the approbation of her fellow women and gain the love of those with whom she lives.” - Female adaptation of Charles Darwin The Secret … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Jamie Silver
A Celebration of Women is excited to Celebrate the Life of yet another amazing woman, one that has found her way through the challenge of divorce, and is now here to help the women of our world. WOMAN of ACTION Jamie Silver "When a person courageously calls out for something that touches the core of human nature, infinite waves of response appear in the ocean of people's hearts." Daisaku Ikeda I am a Buddhist teacher and public speaker, and connector! My passion … [Read more...]
Story as an ‘Over-Eater’, Recovery in Michigan
Double Dipper (The story of an OVER- EATER) "I have to tell you. I am not a double dipper. Although, as horrible as this may sound, when I lost my OA [Overeaters Anonymous] abstinence, I went down to the local discount liquor place and set out to become an alcoholic. I stupidly thought I could switch addictions. In my mind, being an alcoholic was somehow better. I never thought all alcoholics were thin nor had eating problems. Boy, was I ever wrong! I … [Read more...]