A Social Approach to a Fact Oriented Field In 2017, Women in STEM was founded at the University of Chicago Lab Schools as a mechanism to bridge the gap between social justice and academic fields. Recognizing the issue was the foundation for our work that followed. Translating discussion and theory to concrete action and passionate activism ultimately became the primary focus of our organization in the forms of various initiatives. Since March of 2017, we have been developing dually-driven … [Read more...]
Phionah Musumba – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman leader, one that is taking every resource available to her for the further empowerment of girls with education and women with skills for enterprise development. This woman is so devoted to her cause that she left Kenya alone, leaving three children of her own behind to seek assistance in developing an education centre for the children of her community. Her dream is to buy a 50 acre piece of land on … [Read more...]
Gendered Racism: A Double Edged Sword for Black Women
Gender bias and racism is not an exclusive issue to black women; yet, in honor of Black History Month our focus of reference in this article will be through the eyes, experiences and history of our truly powerful Black Women. History in America has not changed much and a perfect example of what Black Women have tolerated is shown in history when the U.S. Congress ratified the 19th amendment, which ruled that women could not be denied the right to vote because of their sex. The 19th … [Read more...]
Feb 6 – International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM
Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation The International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation is observed each year to raise awareness about this practice. Female genital mutilation of any type has been recognized as a harmful practice and violation of the human rights of girls and women. WHO is committed to the elimination of female genital mutilation within a generation and is focusing on advocacy, research and guidance for health professionals and health … [Read more...]
Black History Month: Celebrate Black Women Taking the Lead
With it being only a little over 100 years ago when the U.S. Congress finally ratified the 19th amendment on August 18, 1920, which ruled that women could not be denied the right to vote because of their sex. This amendment was the result of hard-fought efforts from many women (and some men) who recognized that disenfranchisement then, as now, was a blight on the nation and hindered the U.S.’s potential to achieve its stated goals of becoming a functioning democracy. The 19th amendment … [Read more...]
Women: Key to Global Economic Growth
Currently, barriers of law and custom stop many women from getting financing for business. Removing those barriers can help overcame the gender gap, and unleash economic growth. To learn more, go to: HERE The above video was produced almost ten years ago. Has much changed? In 2022, women's current issues are or should we say are "still": 1. Pregnancy and Parenting Discrimination 2. Violence Against Women 3. Women's Rights in the Workplace 4. Women's Rights in Education 5. … [Read more...]
Best Casino Bonuses 2022
If there were one single most important reason for gamblers switching from traditional casinos to online ones, they would probably choose generous bonuses. After all, no one is crazy enough to ignore offers to maximize profits in the short and long term. But where exactly can you find the best coffers for stress-free online gaming? Many sites, like https://nztivo.net/casino/cosmo-casino-review/, offer unique promo codes and deposit-based rewards, but are they all great and satisfying? The … [Read more...]
10 Tips for Helping Your Child Get to Sleep
Despite how much they resist giving into it, sleep is just as essential for growing children as it is for adults. Parents trying to help a child that struggles to sleep or fights it on principal can easily find themselves frustrated and overwhelmed when sleep still doesn’t come for their youngsters. There are, however, a few simple tricks that can help you put your child’s sleep troubles behind you. These 10 tips may be just what you’re looking for, and can have your child sleeping … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Bridge the Gender Divide in a Male-Dominated Society
From a young age, gender role stereotypes are ingrained into children and their perceptions of the world, from the clothes they wear to the toys they are given to play with. Even as they get older, children are still being dictated to regarding where their interests should lie, and the industries they should aim to get involved in, both from a professional standpoint, and a recreational one. It is considered the norm for women to wear skirts, like bright pastel colors, and want to be nurses … [Read more...]
Women & Feminism in the Technology Realm
Comparing the number of women to men working in the tech field leaves a lot to be desired. Even though women working in the tech industry continue to grow, with a lot of them taking up jobs in systems administration, software development, and business seo service, to name a few, there is still room for improvement. Taking a rough look at the CEOs of top tech giants across the globe such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, and Google’s Sundar Pichai shows how … [Read more...]
Sheetal Mehta Walsh – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman that has helped thousands around the globe, honored by the Queen, holding awards from around the globe, she has devoted her life to bettering the lives of women and children inside the slums of India. Through applying her own skills, she is helping to create entrepreneurs build sustainable business by providing both through mentorship and the tools. Join us as we Celebrate the Woman and the positive actions … [Read more...]
Different Approaches You Can Take to Self-Care
Self-care is something that's very important in life, but it can also feel very elusive at times. Knowing the best way to practice it isn't always obvious, but that might be because there are so many different approaches that you can take. You might be efficient in taking care of yourself in one way, but potentially lacking in another one. This means is that you could look at doing some research and figuring out what you're lacking before taking the necessary measures to improve in this area. … [Read more...]