"Women of the world: take over... Because if you don't, the world will come to an end, and it won't take long." Music by Jim O'Rourke … [Read more...]
Dr. Sunitha Krishnan – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this most amazing woman of caring, compassion and courage. Not only has she suffered at the hands of those with complete ignorance to human decency; she rose above her own circumstance to create an organization designed to save young girls from human trafficking so to better their lives, nurture them back to health so to grow forward future women leaders. WOMAN of ACTION™ Dr … [Read more...]
The Empowerment Compendium, Irene Becker
We all know the staggering pain of invalidation. We have all felt it. We have all received and given it. Some of us have developed habits of thought that cause us to deploy invalidation of self and/or others on an ongoing basis. The caveat remains that habits of thought and action CAN be changed and changing them is what personal leadership is all about. None of us is immune to the piercing, painful arrow that hits us and throws us for an emotional loop as the venom of … [Read more...]
Maxima Zorreguieta Cerruti – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman born equal to all women, married into royalty, mother of three that devotes her energy through her efforts in micro finance through Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), helping Ethnic Minority Women’s for the betterment of all women. WOMAN of ACTION™ Maxima Zorreguieta Cerruti Bill Harwood will open by stating: " Maxima is a wonder of … [Read more...]
Anti-drug crusader Katz on O’Reilly Factor
NORWALK -- Viewers of the Fox News Channel O'Reilly Factor will see a familiar face on next week as anti-drug crusader Ginger Katz will join Bill O'Reilly to address the topic of reducing sentencing guidelines for drug dealers. "My appearance on the show was spurred on by a letter sent by some celebrities to President Obama and Bill's reaction to the letter," Katz said. "A producer from Bill's show called me to speak about loosening laws regarding sentencing for drug dealers." Katz was … [Read more...]
NEVER Speak the “D” Word…
Too many people are too quick to get a divorce. Something happens. You become angry and in the heat of battle, you threaten divorce. You should never make life-changing decisions in the midst of emotional turmoil. Marriage is the most sacred of trusts between two people. When you married, you made some promises. Just because you are disappointed at the anger, bitterness, ambivalence, or venom you are receiving from your partner, remind yourself that divorce is difficult for both people, no … [Read more...]
Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this powerful woman, one that has risen above her own challenges, hardships; and like the phoenix has soared into the stratosphere out of the ashes transformed, stronger than ever before. Today, sharing her life experience, she devotes her time to bettering the lives of all Women in her community, offering them a 'hand up' and not a 'hand out'. Domestic and sexual abuse is a dark passage to go through, and 7 - 10 women will … [Read more...]
World Immunization Week 2013, celebrated April 20 – 27
World Immunization Week, beginning on 20 April, aims to promote one of the world’s most powerful tools for health – the use of vaccines to protect, or "immunize", people of all ages against disease. Under the global slogan "Protect your world – get vaccinated", WHO encourages individuals and organizations working at international, regional, national, and community levels, in the public and private sectors, to coordinate and engage in activities during World Immunization Week. World … [Read more...]
Rose Mukankomeje Takes Action in Rwanda!
Taking Action in Rwanda, inspiring positive change! April 2013 – As her nation emerged from crisis, and in the face of great personal tragedy, Rose Mukankomeje took the initiative to bring Rwandans together to protect their natural resources and, in the process, restore communities devastated by conflict. She is one of five individuals from around the world honored this week with the Forest Heroes Award by the United Nations Forum on Forests for their efforts to sustain, protect and … [Read more...]