How To Shed A Mindset That Prevents You From Finding Love I have a friend whose son is in his early twenties. He's been hexed on the love front. Every woman he's ever been involved with has treated him in a crummy way. Though he is smart and looks like a model, he treats women so well that they figure something is wrong with him. He's spent his life proving the axiom that "nice guys finish last." You'd expect this man to develop a bad mindset about relationships. You'd expect him … [Read more...]
Death of 23 year old ‘gang raped’, Ban Ki-moon Takes Action
Violence against women must never be accepted, excused or tolerated, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said following the death of a young woman from India who had been gang raped earlier this month. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on death of Delhi student The Secretary-General expresses deep sorrow at the death of the 23-year old Delhi student who was gang-raped by six men in a moving bus in New Delhi on 16 December. He offers his sincerest … [Read more...]
ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Libyan Woman Fights to Tell Her Rape Story
Libyan Woman Fights to Tell Her Rape Story For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light – Mark 4:22 I just read on Care2Make a Difference about a Libyan woman who was trying to tell the media about her horrific ordeal at the hands of Muammar el-Qaddafi’s militia. According to the New York Times, the woman who identified herself as Eman al-Obeidy burst into a Tripoli hotel where the foreign press … [Read more...]
ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: New Delhi in Rape Crisis
The Women of New Dehli are in crisis; and the Women of our World are Taking Action! Imagine being raped because you are a working woman. Hard to believe but this is the nightmarish reality women in New Delhi face. I first read about this on the Care2 Make a Difference site. The New York Times reported that a couple was accosted by five drunken young men from a nearby farming village accosted a couple last month. They beat the young man and gang-raped the … [Read more...]