SEXUAL ASSAULT, What is Consent?

Globally, the term "sexual assault" covers behavior from unwanted touching to rape. Each state has its own legal definition and criminal code, and thus definitions of acts that constitute sexual assault vary. These definitions are gender neutral because sexual assault happens to both females and males, although the vast majority of sexual assault victims are females. If you've been falsely accused of sexual assault then you should contact a criminal attorney at your earliest possible … [Read more...]

Mental Illness, a very ‘taboo’ subject in Islam

Mental Health is an issue needing to be addressed in all communities and all countries in our world today. Below is just one story shared from a community that is plaqued by Stigma, in the realm of acceptance of 'Mental Illness' as a medical condition: "I have always struggled to talk to my family about my mental health problems openly because I was scared I would not get the support that I need but obviously when you live in the same house, you cannot hide it from them. I live with an … [Read more...]

Woman Abuse Prevention Month, NOV 2014

Woman Abuse Prevention Month It is every woman’s fundamental right to live in safety and security in her home and community – free from the threat of violence. November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month. Please take a moment to check out the statistics on woman abuse and learn about the importance of ending violence against women… For 25 years now, November as Woman Abuse Prevention Month, an occasion to shed light on violence against women in our communities, and highlight efforts underway … [Read more...]

Rape Culture Erases Rape Survivors

Rape culture is a frighteningly insidious thing in the way it reinforces harmful ideas about gender, personal boundaries, consent, and sexual assault. Rape culture encourages the belief that lying about rape or sexual assault is more common than it really is, and it promotes the silencing of women about sexual assault by subjecting them to harsh judgments and the implication that women are responsible for their own assaults. Women who do report their assaults are disbelieved by people they … [Read more...]


THE SURVIVOR STORIES PROJECT: Christine Davis, 46, Germany and USA The Pixel Project is proud to present the Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project in honour of Mother’s Day 2014. The project runs throughout the month of May 2014 and features an interview per day with a survivor of any form of violence against women (VAW) including domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, female genital mutilation, forced/child marriage, sex trafficking, breast ironing etc. A total of 31 VAW survivor … [Read more...]

Ending the Trafficking of Women and Girls in Canada‏

I am thrilled to be the new President and CEO of the Canadian Women's Foundation. Since starting this position last month, I have traveled across the country meeting with our amazing board, donors, staff, grantees and volunteers. It is clear to me why the Foundation has succeeded all these years - through your endless support. I am moved by your enthusiasm and dedication, which has fueled my passion and commitment to helping Canadian women and girls. People are very excited about … [Read more...]

A VOICE for a 12 Year Old MURDER VICTIM, Jo Dibblee

A VOICE FOR A 12 YEAR OLD MURDER VICTIM AND VINDICATION FOR ALL SURVIVORS OF AB-- USE AND NEGLECT   Toronto, ON. – After thirty-five years in hiding, Jo-Ann Vacing-Dibblee is coming forward to tell her story in the riveting book, “Frock Off: Living Undisguised”. Sexually assaulted and stalked by a foster parent, Vacing-Dibblee was contacted by the RCMP investigating the murder of a young girl they felt was connected to her case. When they were unable to bring the man to justice, … [Read more...]

Forced to marry her rapist — days until the big vote‏

16 year-old Amina Filali, raped, beaten and forced to wed her rapist, killed herself — the only way she saw to escape the trap set for her by her rapist and Moroccan law. We’ve joined Moroccan activists, campaigning for years to repeal this provision, and now victory is within reach. This week, one last vote could make it happen. Article 475 in Morocco’s penal code allows a rapist to avoid prosecution and a long prison sentence by marrying his victim if she is a minor. It’s any rape … [Read more...]

Somalia: Don’t Jail Women for Getting Raped

Somalia's treatment of rape is unacceptable and must be changed. Sign the petition and urge the Somali government to pursue true justice-no matter who the accusers or the accused are. Target: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Goal: Stop the imprisonment of rape survivors and the journalists who report their stories in Somalia Rape is a touchy subject all over the world, and rape victims are unfortunately often subject to suspicion, skepticism, and blame. Somalia, however, has … [Read more...]

Moroccan Laws Requiring Women To Marry Their Rapists

End Moroccan Laws Requiring Women To Marry Their Rapists Target: King Mohammed VI Goal: Remove laws requiring victims of sexual abuse to marry their attackers from Moroccan law. In Morrocco, laws force women and young girls to marry their rapists. Despite promises from the Morroccan government to overturn this law, it still remains on the books and rape victims continue to be terrorized by their rapists. A number of survivors of sexual violence have committed suicide in recent months when … [Read more...]

‘A silent majority of men disapproves of violence’, Radwan Chowdhury

“What are Ordinary Men Willing to Do to End Violence Against Women & Girls?”   Most men do not use violence against women, and most believe such violence to be unacceptable. A silent majority of men disapproves of violence, but does little to prevent it. Of most concern, significant numbers of men excuse or justify violence against women. The silence, and encouragement, of male bystanders allows men’s violence against women to continue. Violence against women and girls is a … [Read more...]

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women The United Nations' (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is an occasion for governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to raise public awareness of violence against women. It has been observed on November 25 each year since 2000. 2013 was a critical year ... and milestones were made! Reathorizing VAWA a Daunting Task The Violence … [Read more...]

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