A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this awakened male, one man that has risen above his own circumstance of struggle; endured challenges with learning, rose above the inability to read. Inspired by one Woman - a teacher he describes the experience of her as - "Knowing she believed in me made such a difference". This man is now guided to use his new found self awareness to help young people and adults realize their dreams. Today, his mantra for all of … [Read more...]
Confucius said, “Find a job you enjoy, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
Confucius said, "Find a job you enjoy, and you'll never work a day in your life." What is Your Dream Job? What type of job do you dream about? Some of us know from the time we are very young what we want to do when we grow up. Others are still trying to figure that out. Still others have tried a career or two, then went on to do something completely different with their lives. The days of working for the same company for a lifetime are long … [Read more...]
Dr. Cara Flamer, Bayview Golf & Country Club, Dec 11
So thrilled to bring to you an evening you will not want to miss! Ladies, bring your sisters, friends, daughters! Men welcome too! Location: Bayview Golf and Country Club, 25 Fairway Heights Drive, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 3X1 Canada • (905) 889-4833 Thornhill, Ontario (West of Leslie on Steeles Ave East) Tuesday December 11, 2012 7:30 pm An informative evening with Dr. Cara Flamer, BSc, MD, CCFP Dr. Cara Flamer is a Family Physician … [Read more...]
Divine Timing – WOMEN in RECOVERY
If you want to experience more harmony, happiness and effortless manifestation of your desires in life, you have to ... let go of all resistance towards whatever that comes your way. The reason why we fight against what comes is because we think that we are being kept from having our way. But the truth is whatever that happens is exactly what is meant to be, and it is all part of the process of the manifestation of our desires. Everything is happening in divine timing and we can flow if we do … [Read more...]
Giselle Rufer Delance – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ has been inspired to Celebrate the Life of this entrepreneur that 'followed her heart' and 'created her dream', allowing herself to rise above all obstacles to follow her own destiny. She devotes her life today, as an activist and a watchmaker in designs of time pieces dedicated to WOMEN. WOMAN of ACTION™ Giselle Rufer Delance 'From my childhood I had the dream to create something very beautiful for women, something like an … [Read more...]
Healing Chant of the Dalai Lama ~ WOMEN in RECOVERY
"As you breathe in cherish yourself. As you breathe out cherish all beings." ~ Dalai Lama ~ The Dalai Lama is bestowed with holding the world vision of 'compassion', his message to us that we all hold the power do the same. Just imagine, if all of humanity woke up with compassion in our hearts and minds tomorrow morning, just this one thing, every child would be fed, wars would end, capitalism, human trafficking and animal exploitation would cease and the list goes on. … [Read more...]
SACRED BREATH WORKSHOP – June 22 ( Chicago Area)
SACRED BREATH HEALING WORKSHOP FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND, 7:00 PM SOHMAR MASSAGE SCHOOL DOWNERS GROVE, IL. (Chicago Area) $55.00 DETAILS & CONTACT: Shirlee at: 1 630-202-3818 I was born remembering what it was like living in the subtle dimensions of light and love, the side most people refer to as Heaven. The conscious memory of who we really are and the amazing Presence that lives within each of us has provided a personal life where the sacred is a natural experience and the longing … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Struggle is unskilled behavior." An Anonymous Author Your Action for Today is... 'to think of something that you are struggling with. How can you increase your skills in that area?' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Siobhan@SiobhanWilcox.com http://www.SiobhanWilcox.com http://www.EsalonSpeaks.com http://www.KidsYogaNetwork.com Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]