Jurado's other murals are more esoteric and whimsical. Here a nude female takes a break from strumming her guitar while she listens to an angel playing a horn and a devil the flute. To me, these two little figures represent the dualism that threads through Mexican philosophy and art going back thousands of years back deep into pre-hispanic times. In this view, everything has its opposite: day and night, light and dark, good and bad, etc. One cannot exist without the other and they define … [Read more...]
10 Physical Changes a Woman Should Never Ignore
As women, our bodies change regularly due to weight fluctuations, hormones, pregnancy and numerous other factors. Admittedly, most of the changes we go through physically don’t warrant much concern. However, other symptoms can serve as red flags that alert us to more complicated health issues that need to be addressed. So, when you look in the mirror, how do you know when the changes you’re seeing are normal, and when it’s time to see a doctor? From facial swelling to heavy periods, here are … [Read more...]
FEAR does not kill your DREAMS
In recent times, it seems there are only three measures of success: Money, looks, and fame. If you don't have one or all of them, you feel like things aren't good enough, and perhaps you feel unlucky and cheated. But you're an ordinary person, and it's hard to feel self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem when you go to an everyday job in an everyday world. How do you find a sense of significance in a world that seems so very shallow? Read on below the jump for advice on feeling better about … [Read more...]
Anger Issues?
Only one thing activates, then converts the negative energy of anger into positive energy... intention. The intention must be to do something different; something that works. When you discover that what you have been doing isn't working, the only logical thing to do is to do something different. We are talking about change. Yes, it is uncomfortable to change. You must decide which is the most uncomfortable. The same energy you expend on anger, when re-directed, can help free you of the … [Read more...]
We Need to Accept, Shirlee Hall
WE NEED TO ACCEPT We need to accept that we are significant; what we think and do forever echoes throughout the universe. We need to accept that there is more to life than the daily toil of survival; the solution is to inwardly awaken. We need to accept the truth that Divine Love and Divine Wisdom move creation in an ongoing symphony. We need to accept there are subtle planes far reaching in thought and vibration interacting with us. We need to accept that everything created is … [Read more...]
NEVER Speak the “D” Word…
Too many people are too quick to get a divorce. Something happens. You become angry and in the heat of battle, you threaten divorce. You should never make life-changing decisions in the midst of emotional turmoil. Marriage is the most sacred of trusts between two people. When you married, you made some promises. Just because you are disappointed at the anger, bitterness, ambivalence, or venom you are receiving from your partner, remind yourself that divorce is difficult for both people, no … [Read more...]
The Final Emancipation – Age of Kali, Shirlee Hall
CIRCLE OF LIGHT April 19th, Friday, Sacred Breath Workshop May 5th, Sunday, Class and healing meditation Details: bethemystery@aol.com Look for Shirlee's forthcoming novel, 'Come out of the Basement!' WHY? Do you wonder why there is such profound spiritual ignorance happening everywhere on our planet? What happened to pure intent and the moral character great spiritual leaders encouraged us to develop? There is an explanation. The Western World is not well … [Read more...]
Quite often, our experience of stress comes from our perception of the situation. Often that perception is right, but sometimes it's not. For instance, sometimes we're unreasonably harsh with ourselves or instinctively jump to wrong conclusions about people's motives. This can send us into a downward spiral of unhappiness and negative thinking, and can cause us to be unfair or aggressive with others. Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking, and Positive Thinking are simple … [Read more...]
Rising Above Self in Recovery – Be the Change
Change and Humility "He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:2-4 Change The hardest part of recovery is that it requires us to change. We might be intrigued by the idea of recovery. We might be inspired by stories about recovery. We … [Read more...]