Family Literacy Day, Canada – January 27

Natrel and ABC partner to help new parents   Sunday, January 27 is Family Literacy Day. ABC Life Literacy Canada has been sponsoring this national event since 1999. The focus is to raise awareness about the importance of reading and learning, and offering events and resources to help parents. “Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development. Even just 15 minutes a day can improve a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and … [Read more...]

Stephanie Marian – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Canadian woman leader, one that is being celebrated for rising above her own challenges as an international lecturer, counsellor & writer, living by her own words "I am passionate about helping people move beyond fear, to be free to live the lives they want."       WOMAN of ACTION™       Stephanie Marian     As an international lecturer, counselor & writer, … [Read more...]

SEPT 29, CANADA: End Homelessness Day for Women and Girls

September 29 is National Action Day to End Homelessness for Women and Girls Women and girls make up half of Canada’s homeless, says Homes for Women Campaign Toronto, September 29, 2015 – Today is National Action Day to End Homelessness for Women and Girls, say the Homes for Women Campaign and All Our Sisters. With new polling information showing that more than 50% of Canadians support putting a priority on affordable housing for low income and homeless people, these national networks are … [Read more...]

Canada Day in Canada, JULY 1

On July 1, 1867, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982. Since 1983, July 1 has been officially known as Canada Day. What do people do? In many towns and cities, municipal governments organize a range of events, often outdoors. These include pancake breakfasts, parades, concerts, carnivals, festivals, firework displays and … [Read more...]

Farheen Khan, Mississauga Centre

As the only candidate born and raised in Mississauga, Farheen has the vision, passion, and experience to fix Ottawa and stand up for our Canadian values. Coming from a long line of patriots, her family has always been at the forefront of defending our country. Her dad worked for the Toronto Police, her grand uncle was a Staff Sergeant for the Toronto Police, and her sister was a Master Corporal in the Reserves with the Canadian Armed Forces. Now Farheen is standing up to make sure Ottawa … [Read more...]


Monisola Ogunsuyi also known as Moni was born on March 24th, 1994 in downtown Toronto. She is of Nigerian decent and proud of her Nigerian-Canadian culture. Growing up was very hard for Moni and at times she almost thought it was impossible. She grew up in a very violent and toxic home and suffered from depression and anxiety because of it. At the ages of 16 and 17 she was also sexually assaulted and has been a survivor of domestic violence as well. She has been on her own since she was 16 … [Read more...]

Margot Franssen – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Canadian woman leader that is devoting her life to the betterment of our youth, with a focus on the issue of the Human Trafficking of girls in Canada. “It doesn’t matter how you fight the good fight – just fight with passion. It doesn’t matter how much you share your personal affluence to influence social change – just give a bit more than you thought you could.”     WOMAN of ACTION™     Margot … [Read more...]

The Council of Canadians 2015, Maude Barlow

The Council of Canadians is about to kick our 2015 election campaign into high gear with a real game-changer. As a valued supporter of this organization, I want you to be the first to know. In our election survey I asked you and 125,000 fellow supporters how you want the Council of Canadians to direct our focus, energy and resources. You told us a top priority must be to boost voter turnout from the community level up – especially amongst young voters. I couldn't agree more. So today … [Read more...]

Canadian Women, Celebrated on 150th Commemorative Bank Notes

Dec 7, 2014 — This week the Bank of Canada announced that a special commemorative bank note will be issued in 2017 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The Bank indicated it would like public input in keeping with its new Design Principles (those principles that failed to include a commitment to include Canadian Women). Nevertheless, this is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the contributions of both women and men to our country on a bank note by 2017. Please submit your … [Read more...]

Mary Deacon – WOMAN of ACTION™

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REGINA EDUCATION AWARD, Bursary Application by Nov 30

Business and Professional Women Regina give out a bursary for $750 for a woman returning to post secondary school (she must be at least in her second year of a multi-year program). The deadline for application is Nov 30 and the bursary is awarded half in Dec and half after she shows paperwork that she is registered for school in the term beginning after the new year. This bursary is based on need not marks. Details below. Educational Bursaries Each year BPW Regina sponsors an … [Read more...]

Woman Abuse Prevention Month, NOV 2014

Woman Abuse Prevention Month It is every woman’s fundamental right to live in safety and security in her home and community – free from the threat of violence. November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month. Please take a moment to check out the statistics on woman abuse and learn about the importance of ending violence against women… For 25 years now, November as Woman Abuse Prevention Month, an occasion to shed light on violence against women in our communities, and highlight efforts underway … [Read more...]

FREE Hangouts, Women’s Empowerment Experts, DEC 1-5

Join Us for a Week of FREE Presentations from leading Women’s Empowerment Experts from across North America! December 1 – 5, 2014 Do you want to feel confident and empowered in every aspect of your life? Would you like to discard the guilt and anxiety, and be filled with joy, compassion, and vitality? You NEED to sign up for the Women’s Transformation and Vitality Summit! With an amazing lineup of guest speakers, this summit is specifically geared for Empowering Women In Body, Mind … [Read more...]

PETITION, Canadian Women on Bank of Canada Notes

Bank of Canada: Add women from Canadian history to Canadian bank notes When Mark Carney was governor of the Bank of Canada, the Bank decided to remove the images of the first notable Canadian women who finally made it onto our bank notes. While Queen Elizabeth II appears on $20 notes, the result is that there are again no women from Canadian history on our bills. It is unacceptable that female historical figures are not featured on the Polymer Series or another series - just male prime … [Read more...]

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