A Celebration of Women... is honored to share with the Women of Our World, a lady that has walked the walk, made the changes life required and maintained the grace enough to Care and Succeeds in helping others to do the same, still today. In her own words, ... "There are things we can do in our lives which affect us and those around us for the better. They may affect us emotional or physically. They can be large things or small things. They may be something which changes our outlook on our … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Jennifer Abernethy
A Celebration of Women™ is pleased to introduce to the Women of Our World an Amazing Woman, of Washington D.C., born July 15 that has veered her Mission into the life of "social media" and has chosen to work with others in this very critical new paradigm of communications and informations. WOMAN of ACTION™ Jennifer Abernethy Jennifer opens her communication with A Celebration of Women saying: "This is an exciting time for me as my book "The Complete Idiot's … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Cleopatra, our Tribute to Egypt
A Celebration of Women has been inspired by a new year to look back and Celebrate the Life of one of our world's powerful Women in History. It has been noted that even in the years of B.C., marriages were arranged at a very young age. Due to customs, Cleopatra married her younger brother, 11 year old Ptolemy XIV. Once married, she ruled Egypt with her brothers as an equal. A Woman ahead of her times ... or was she? WOMAN of ACTION Cleopatra "For … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this awe inspiring WOMAN of ACTION, through our Tribute here. WOMAN of ACTION™ Daw Aung San Suu Kyi "She inspired a generation who were desperate for change." -Martin Smith about Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi was born in 1945 in Yangon, Myanmar, what was formerly recognized as Rangoon. She was educated in India and England, where she attended the University of Oxford. There, she … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Julie Nelson
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing Women, one that took a Critical Happening in her life, and used that experience to seek out a better way. Through her Journey of healing her own daughter, this Woman has created a business in the industry of Aromatherapy, having her own experiences as proof that it works. Celebrate here with us today, as you enjoy the Journey of one Women's Heart finding not only her Calling, but her Soul, while searching … [Read more...]
Lynette Louise – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated and heart warmed to Celebrate the Life of this pioneer, our very own woman that has devoted her life to helping other women with children that suffer from AUTISM. Her journey is one that is definitely on the road less travelled, and we are very excited to share this life with YOU !!! WOMAN of ACTION™ Lynette Louise LYNETTE LOUISE: MS, BCN-T, CBS; PhD in MOM Lynette raised eight children, … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Kimberley Jones
A Celebration of Women is excited to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing Woman that devotes her life to the care and consideration of others. This lady is a 'Quantum Activist' and is now available to the Women of our World, to help those in need, in areas of life that humans struggle to understand..... WOMAN of ACTION Kimberley Jones I am Kimberley Jones, a Lightworker & Evolutionary Entrepreneur. I am known as ‘The Lightworker’s Lightworker’ & … [Read more...]
Leela Francis – WOMAN of ACTION
A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this powerhouse into our Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION. This woman has been directed to live, love and laugh the way through life while helping the Women of our World in Dafur. ON a daily basis, this woman is "is intensely devoted to aiding women and the men in their lives, to personally flourish." WOMAN of ACTION Leela Francis How does someone blend a dynamically soulful mix of dance movement activism, … [Read more...]
Diane Longboat – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this soul filled spirit in a human body. Devoted to her cause, as Speaker of the Governing Council. WOMAN of ACTION™ Diane Longboat Speaker of our Governing Council Diane Longboat, Kahontakwas, a Mohawk, Turtle Clan woman from Six Nations, is a ceremonial leader, traditional teacher of Indigenous spiritual ways and a healer. She is a professional educator, … [Read more...]
Rosetta Stander – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another trail blazer, working from the grass roots of our world to create a sustainable, positive change for the Women of our World. This powerhouse of spirit has taken into her own heart the lives of women from all over the world, reaching them inside their own villages, towns and cities ; enabling them to 'stand on their own two feet'. WOMAN of ACTION™ Rosetta Stander The end of … [Read more...]
Shirley Ann Jackson – WOMAN of ACTION
A Celebration of Women sends this tribute to a Woman that was born on the same day as the dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, only one year later, on August 6, 1946, in honor of WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH. Spiritually, we pray this Woman is one of our Earth Angels, that perhaps this Wonderful Soul fell back down to Earth with a Mission, a Mission that guided her into the studies as a theoretical physicist. Shirley can keep her 'eyes' on the industry of nuclear phyics and hopefully can be … [Read more...]
SUMMIT of Women Leaders that Care – MARCH 24 – Tickets Online!
*PARTIAL PROCEEDS going to the Centre for Women's Studies in Education (CWSE). FEATURING : ROSETTA STANDER - WOMAN of ACTION MAMA ZUMA SOUTH AFRICA, WOMAN of ACTION LORETTA CHEN - WOMAN of ACTION SHARIFA SHARIF - WOMAN of ACTION DIANE LONGBOAT - WOMAN of ACTION DR. SHABNAM NAZLI - WOMAN of ACTION MONIKA & GRAHAM BURWISE, Founders of the Global Awakening Institute NOTICE TO PUBLIC: Dr. Phyllis Chesler, at the request of A Celebration of Women … [Read more...]