Happy World Oceans Day! Welcome to the international community’s online resource for World Oceans Day—our planet’s biggest celebration of the ocean, held every June 8th. This year, we encourage you to reach out to young people in your community and help inspire them for the 2012 theme Youth: the Next Wave for Change. Explore this site for ideas, resources, and information about how you can get involved. The ocean is Earth's life support ■ 50 to 70 percent of the oxygen we breathe … [Read more...]
PAKISTAN – Death Sentence for ‘women dancing at wedding’, Navi Pillay is appaulled!
The death sentence imposed on five women in Pakistan for allegedly dancing at a wedding has been condemned by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay. "Pakistan must boost its efforts to protect the human rights of its citizens said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the end of her visit to the country on Thursday. During her four day mission, Navi Pillay met with Pakistani leaders and pressed for reforms. The High Commissioner is calling on the Government to pass … [Read more...]
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY – UN officials highlighted the need for a change
June 2012 Marking World Environment Day,United Nations officials today highlighted the need for a change in thinking and approach to ensure the sustainability of the Earth’s resources as the world population grows.“Sustainability entails providing opportunity for all by balancing the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. We have to rebut the myth that there is conflict between economic and environmental health,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for the … [Read more...]
‘EveTeasing’ [euphemism-sexual harassment] lead Women to Commit Suicide
Sexual harassment in Bangladesh ... that led the government to declare June 13th "Eve Teasing Protection Day." Sexual harassment in Bangladesh is driving women to commit suicide as a means of escape. According to local human rights groups 28 women committed suicide this year to escape frequent sexual harassment. Before killing themselves most of them wrote a note demanding an end to the sexual harassment known locally as ‘eve teasing’ where boys intercept girls on … [Read more...]
Even Ensler’s V-DAY is Taking Action !!!
UPDATE: 142 Countries and RISING! In February we launched ONE BILLION RISING and in just a little over three months the campaign has spread to 142 countries around the world. Women and men from Mali to Afghanistan, Rwanda to Taiwan have pledged to STRIKE, DANCE and RISE on February 14th, 2013. We've seen tens of thousands of new activists come on board. We've seen V-Day benefit events in the UK and Australia, Italy and South Africa, and in over 50 other countries end with audiences standing … [Read more...]
Marsh Engle is Going LIVE – The Essentials of Sacred Success™
Access A New Wealth Consciousness. Engage the Power of Your Passion. Attract More of What You Want. Make the Money You Desire & Deserve! Dear Brilliant Creative ... It's no secret. There is a dynamic shift underway and it's impacting every area of our life. It's changing the ways in which you define your earning potential, engage in your relationships, and access true happiness and success. The fact is, answering the call of your most inspired life begins with a PRECISE … [Read more...]
JUNE is Migraine Awareness Month – Nancy Harris Bonk
The National Headache Foundation has declared that June is officially Migraine Awareness Month. There are plenty of exciting activities for us to spread the word and bring more awareness to Migraine disease and headache disorders. The theme of the month is "help make Migraines visible." Happy Migraine Awareness Month June 1 marks the kickoff of Migraine Awareness Month: Help Make Migraines Visible. By expanding our efforts from one week to a month-long event, the NHF has been … [Read more...]
13 Grandmothers – Offerings from Grandmother Maria Alice
The Center for Sacred Studies & Cafe Gratitude present Our New TeleSeminar Series: Awakening Our Memory Offerings For the Next Seven Generations and Beyond First Course: Awakening Our Memory The Four Planetary Elements With Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire Dear Keepers of Life, I want to take a moment to invite you to our first teleseminar series- Awakening Our Memory. These courses are guided and governed by Nature. More … [Read more...]
Queen Elizabeth II celebrates Diamond Jubilee – 60 years on throne!!!
WINDSOR CASTLE, UK (CBS)- Monday's an important day for Queen Elizabeth. It's the 60th Anniversary of the day she became Britain's monarch. And starting tomorrow, a new photo exhibit shows this stoic figure at work and at play. Queen Elizabeth the Second is about to open the doors of Windsor Castle to the public on display a royal collection of candid photographs. PHOTO Name: Queen Elizabeth II Full Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Born: April 21, 1926 at 17, Bruton Street, … [Read more...]
Women Deliver’s third global conference opens on Friday, 1 June.
Women Deliver 2013 Conference Registration Opens Early bird registration for Women Deliver’s third global conference opens on Friday, 1 June. Women Deliver 2013 is expected to be the largest conference of the decade to focus on the health and empowerment of girls and women, featuring world-renowned speakers, a Ministers and Parliamentarians Forum, over 100 breakout sessions and over 5,000 attendees. The early bird registration rate of $500 will expire on January 31, 2013, at … [Read more...]
What is going to happen in Rio?
What has in the past and what is going to happen in Rio 2012? Rio+20: from environment to sustainable development To grasp the background and stakes of Rio+20, it is useful to have a look at the Stockholm-to-Rio continuum of the Conferences, and to go through some key milestones in the long march that gave birth to international agreements on sustainable development. How did we move from Environment to Sustainable Development, what are the consequences of this move, and where … [Read more...]
Bahamas: Wendy’s restaurants fight human trafficking
May 2012 - Wendy's Bahamas, a franchise of the Wendy's international fast food chain, has joined with the United Nations Global Initiative To Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) and the new Bahamas National Trafficking-in-Persons Task Force to launch a unique "anti-trafficking-in-persons" tray liner in its ten restaurants in Nassau and Grand Bahama. For a month, all Wendy's Bahamas restaurants will serve food on tray liners that explain to people the different forms of human trafficking, … [Read more...]
EGYPT, Cairo – Landmark Cairo Population Conference
ISTANBUL—Lawmakers from 110 countries reaffirmed today their support to the principles and goals of the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), emphasizing their continued centrality to efforts to reduce poverty and safeguard people’s health and rights, including sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. At the fifth global parliamentarians’ conference on population and development, held here on 24-25 May, some 400 delegates, including more than … [Read more...]