It seems that for all the talk about oneness, unity and peace, there is still a lot of distrust, dissent and resentment wherever we look. One of the ways humanity as a whole has been disempowered is through the amplification of our primitive and ignorant suspicion and distrust of anything that is not just like we are. As each of us is unique on the surface, this condition runs pretty deep. What humanity hasn’t figured out yet is that, while we are unique on the surface, we are all fundamentally … [Read more...]
What Day is This?
Celebrate Larry's Birthday! June 6th, 2013 A birthday is a day when a person celebrates the anniversary of his or her birth. Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party, or rite of passage. The celebration of a birthday usually is thought to mark how old a person is, traditionally stopping when death occurs and only stating that if still alive, they would have been (number of years) old. Some contemporary writers ignore this aspect, however, and keep … [Read more...]
Resist Exercising Your Voice Power…, Larry James
Positively No Yelling in This House!! That should be a rule you never break! Practice voice modulation; change your voice pitch and avoid crescendos at all cost. Raising your voice to your partner (some would call this yelling) is the worse form of communication. It is emotionally abusive, unfair and shows a high level of disrespect for your love partner. If your partner raises their voice, whether man or woman, back off physically from them, lower your voice to slightly more than a … [Read more...]
The Couples Commitment Code, Larry James
Couples Commitment Code Is a promise to stay together, come what may and if one decides to leave, the other partner goes with them - partners for good. A couple's level of commitment to this "Couples Commitment Code" is an idea of the mind that bears witness to the thought that when it comes to your relationship, there is no possibility that the love energy you feel together could ever feel the same alone. This idea greatly influences the tone of the relationship. Couples … [Read more...]
Master Class, Finding Love With Astrology, Elsa P.
How To Shed A Mindset That Prevents You From Finding Love I have a friend whose son is in his early twenties. He's been hexed on the love front. Every woman he's ever been involved with has treated him in a crummy way. Though he is smart and looks like a model, he treats women so well that they figure something is wrong with him. He's spent his life proving the axiom that "nice guys finish last." You'd expect this man to develop a bad mindset about relationships. You'd expect him … [Read more...]
MEN, Step Up on Family Planning
A woman holds her baby in a village in southern Niger, where progress in women's access to family planning is being made. Our failure to give women in certain parts of the world the ability to decide the timing and number of their children is deeply damaging — not just for the women themselves but for societies, too. Lifting the obstacles is not something that can be tackled half-heartedly. Modern family planning programs were introduced widely in the developed world decades ago. Providing … [Read more...]
How to Let Go: The 4 People You Must Forgive
There are four people you need to forgive if you are serious about changing your life and learning how to live in the now. 1] The first are your parents, living or dead. You must absolutely forgive them for every mistake they ever made in bringing you up. At the very least, you should be grateful to them for giving you life. They got you here. If you are happy to be alive, you can forgive them for everything else. Never complain about them again. Many of my seminar participants have phoned … [Read more...]