Are we dying from a death of the obvious, or will the obvious take us forward smarter, faster and happier? Stress expert and comedienne, Loretta Laroche, commented that we are “dying from a death of the obvious.” I believe that the obvious can have enormous impact on our present and future. Science confirms that in order to optimize our potential we need to get happy first. Common sense tells us that the right and ability to live happy lives is the most important goal of all. Inspiration + … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Irene Becker
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another trail blazer in the world of women. This special soul have risen above incredible circumstance in both private and professional life. Reaching for the stars through her own challenges, this powerhouse is now here to help the Women of our World. If you are seeking the way to reaching your dreams, feel stuck and see no way out, this is the woman that you want to see. In her own words, she tells us 'I have always been “a … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – What do You do when Life throws You Lemons?
Change the World :
The power each of us has to make a difference in this world begins when each of us believes that we can make a difference. To put it another way...everything begins with changing ourselves FIRST. I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, "It is not fair to ask of others, what you are unwilling to do yourself" Today's video is a great story and captures the essence of what Eleanor was talking about. I hope you enjoy it! Watch Change the World Video … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL PHOTO – Circle of Heaven’s Love…
Circle of Heaven's Love... … [Read more...]