Engaging events that offers diverse resources for women to connect and gain extraordinary value for empowerment, inspiration and positive growth. Giving women an opportunity to celebrate and empower themselves, designed to provide inspiration, education, empowerment and a community feel among women, The Toronto Women's Expo is more than a grand shopping event. Various presentations and featured speakers will touch on topics that affect women, such as financial security, celebrating the … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving, putting back the ‘Thanks’ into this Holiday
In the United States, fall marks a trifecta of holidays that snowball, picking up speed as they carry us,—often chaotically—from October through the New Year. The party starts with the distinctly non-religious (some would say pagan) celebration of Halloween; progresses to the spiritually inclusive embracing of gratitude that is Thanksgiving; and culminates in various religious observances ranging from Christmas to Hanukkah to Kwanza. Sadly, long before we reach Thanksgiving Day, we are already … [Read more...]
MOM, 10 Signs your child needs deodorant !
The milestones in a child’s life can come upon us unexpectedly, even when we anticipate them. One of these events that creeps up on parents is the dawn of pubescence. When our children’s bodies begin to change, we may not really notice until something catches us blatantly off guard. Body odor, for example, can be missed for a while before it becomes obvious that the kid is in need of help. For those parents who might be concerned about not catching it from the outset, here are a few tell-tale … [Read more...]
Ladies: a simple quiz to see if your relationship is in trouble
Here's a simple quiz to see if your relationship is in serious trouble: Has your man become too "quiet"? When you ask how his day was, is his response, "Fine." When you ask how he's doing, or how he's feeling, is his answer, "Okay." If the answers to any of these questions trouble you, read on because your relationship may be on the verge of a disastrous break-up. But good news -- there is new research that clearly shows there are "magic relationship words"... ...words that can … [Read more...]
What our Children Should Know About Remembrance Day
In America, this national holiday is more commonly known as Veteran’s Day (although in other countries it is also called Armistice Day and even Poppy Day). It is celebrated on November 11th of every year to honor and memorialize both soldiers and civilians who lost their lives in times of war. When it comes to informing children, young and old, about the value of Remembrance Day, there are a few items that should be imparted, not only concerning the military history of this holiday, but also … [Read more...]
South Sudan: Girls’ Ration Increases School Attendance/Eastern Equatoria
School officials in South Sudan say a monthly take-home food ration from the World Food Programme (WFP) has helped to reduce the number of female students dropping out of school. TORIT – Education will be critical as the world’s newest country builds its future, and South Sudan’s girls are getting a better chance at an education thanks to WFP. WFP supports girls through what is known as the “Girls’ Incentive,” which is designed to encourage girls’ enrolment in school and keep them … [Read more...]
CelebrateLove.com – Spread Love Like Butter…
All there is, is relationships. Building a successful relationship is a never ending process. Work most on the first reality of your relationship - you. Your own personal growth contributes to the deepening and strengthening of the relationship you have with another. Spread love all over you! Love yourself first. The second reality is your love partner. The relationship they have with themselves is only and always their responsibility. The third reality of a successful relationship is the … [Read more...]
Nigeria launches anti-human trafficking campaign
Nigeria launches anti-human trafficking campaign, as two Goodwill Ambassadors are named October 2012 - The Government of Nigeria, jointly with UNODC and the European Union, has launched a nationwide three-year anti-human trafficking campaign. Entitled "I am Priceless", the campaign is aimed at raising awareness about the reality, dangers and possible impact of irregular migration, as a consequence of either being smuggled or being a victim of trafficking in persons. UNODC also … [Read more...]