Daily Fitness for Families: Promoting an Active Lifestyle for Your Children The thought of squeezing in daily fitness for you and your children may seem far-fetched when the hustle and bustle of life leaves you yearning for time to relax, but it’s not impossible to carve out time during your day for it. In fact, nannies and parents can combine quality time with fitness time on a regular basis by coupling daily activities with creative exercises. Build Exercise Into Everything You … [Read more...]
Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents
Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents During Holiday Concert by Signing It for Them from sharethemessage on GodTube. … [Read more...]
Universal Children’s Day celebrated Nov 20
On Universal Children’s Day, UN says violence against young hobbles development 20 November 2013 – Drawing a direct link between violence against children and poverty, United Nations officials marked Universal Children’s Day with a call to make child protection a priority in the global development agenda for the decades to come. “Violence against children does more than harm individual children, it undermines the fabric of society, affecting productivity, well-being, and prosperity,” UN … [Read more...]
Adoption Awareness Month is celebrated NOVEMBER
Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parent or parents. Unlike guardianship or other systems designed for the care of the young, adoption is intended to effect a permanent change in status and as such requires societal recognition, either through legal or religious sanction. Historically, some societies have enacted specific laws governing … [Read more...]
London conference against child marriage – Nov 23 (UK)
Nigerian Women organize November London conference against child marriage NIGERIAN women in the UK have convened a special conference to debate the debilitating effects of child marriage among African children in response to recent moves by the Senate to approve underage wedlock. In July, the Nigerian senate approved a bill that would recognise child brides as adults and which would legalise marriages to minors. There has been an national and international outrage at the development with … [Read more...]
Parent’s Role In Child Development Programs
It’s no secret that a child’s education plays a significant role in her development during early childhood and is a determining factor in her success as an adult. Helping young children to acquire the skills they need to progress and develop along the prescribed timeline is one of a parent’s most important jobs. Understanding the role that parents play in the development and expansion of new skill sets in early childhood allows you to work more closely with the preschool or child development … [Read more...]
Parent’s Role In Child Development Programs
It’s no secret that a child’s education plays a significant role in her development during early childhood and is a determining factor in her success as an adult. Helping young children to acquire the skills they need to progress and develop along the prescribed timeline is one of a parent’s most important jobs. Understanding the role that parents play in the development and expansion of new skill sets in early childhood allows you to work more closely with the preschool or child development … [Read more...]
“5 Ways to Deal with Empty Nest”, Marcia Hall
With the kids back in school during the days, stay at home moms and nannies of school aged children may find that they suddenly have lots of time on their hands. It’s not unusual for the excitement of the first day of school to quickly give way to feelings of loneliness. To alleviate that loneliness, here are five things you can do now that the kids are out of the house for several hours. Organize the house – Summertime is full of fun vacations and busy activities. It is not a great … [Read more...]
“How to Help Your Kid Be a Great Team Player”
Team sports start pretty early these days, with kids as young as four and five enrolling in soccer and tee ball leagues. For most kids, that’s just the beginning. They’ll go on to participate in team sports throughout their school years and sometimes into their college ones. Besides sports, being part of a team will also be a requirement in the classroom and on the playground, and the same skills your child needs on the field can help him throughout life. Here are some key things to teach your … [Read more...]
The Rumie Initiative: launching Nov 2013
Ambassador Harvey Lam and Tariq Fancy on the importance of education and the inspiration behind the Rumie Initiative. Harvey's story Education saved us. With funding from a Canadian government training program, my mother enrolled in a computer programming class. She had been raising my sister and me with money earned from odd jobs, but knew it wouldn't be enough. With her newfound knowledge (and certification), my mother found a job, eventually built a successful career, and most … [Read more...]
“A Call for Teachers!”
In many countries, Teachers' Days (or Teachers Day) are intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers, and may include celebrations to honour them for their special contributions in a particular field area, or the community in general. The date on which Teachers' day is celebrated varies from country to country. Teachers' days are distinct from World Teachers' Day which is officially celebrated across the world on October 5. The idea of celebrating Teachers' Day took ground … [Read more...]