The Secret of ‘Letting Go’,

  The Secret of Letting Go by Larry James   Letting go of people and behavioral patterns that no longer serve us often feels as though we are risking our safety and comfort. Calculated risks taken for the benefit of our own well being are worth taking. This form of movement is safer than standing still. Those who remain stationary become an easy target for misery of their own creation. The energy we expend by holding on often leaves us drained and with a feeling of … [Read more...], ‘ Intimacy… It Can Mean Many Things ‘

Intimacy… It Can Mean Many Things by Larry James Barbara Peters, Guest Author I have an amazing job. Every day I meet so many interesting people willing to share their stories, and each introduces me to something new to broaden my view of the world. Recently intimacy was the focus of a couple’s counseling session. The wife had been concerned about the lack of intimacy in their marriage. Her husband had a surprised, almost quizzical, look on his face as she made her … [Read more...] shares Ten Commandments of Co-Parenting‏

  Ten Commandments of Co-Parenting Lynn Nelson, Guest Author - 1. Resolve conflicts without putting kids in the middle. This requires being objective about your children’s needs (and not confusing them with your own) and compromising when the situation warrants. Stick with a conflict until it’s resolved; don’t let a problem fester and then punish the other parent passive-aggressively or be difficult in unrelated situations. 2. Treat the other parent … [Read more...], ‘Make Your Relationship a Contact Sport‏’

Make Your Relationship a Contact Sport Barbara Peters, Guest Author Does that sound a little quirky to you? Think about it – what’s more exciting than touching and being touched, on and off your love field?   As a couples relationship therapist, one thing is evident every single day in my office. Almost all the people coming through my door are looking for physical touch. They want it, crave it, need it, but many times just don’t have it. Touching has become elusive … [Read more...] ‘So. . . How Does a Relationship Begin?’

So. . . How Does a Relationship Begin? By Larry James To me there are several stages of relationships that must be examined. While there may be such a thing as "love at first sight," for most of us it doesn't happen that way. Initial attraction... yes! True love... doubtful! Although I haven't yet read the book, "Ships," I would like to give you my take on the 3 "ships" on the cover of the book that K'Anne writes about. They were the inspiration for this article. Companionship … [Read more...], Larry James ~ ‘Take a Deep Breath!’

Take a DEEP Breath! by Larry James Let's face it. Life can get hectic. So can some relationships. If feels like there are never enough hours in the day to check off every item on your to-do lists or to spend quality time with each other. In this fast-paced world, sometimes what we need most is a way to slow down a little bit. Fortunately, I've got some tips to help you do just that.       So. . . take a DEEP breath, (inhale in through your nose and exhale … [Read more...] ~ Trust Your Heart! It Always Tells the Truth!

For Singles Only ~ Trust Your Heart! It Always Tells the Truth!   When you have a concern that life is passing you by and you wonder why you haven't found your true love. . . that's your head speaking. It gets your attention by creating a worry about not finding anyone. Quit looking. That may be part of the problem. When your head talks it reflects what you think about the situation. Anxiety and fear feel right at home in the mind. They know they have no power other than … [Read more...]

De-Clutter Your Life! – Let Go of Toxic Friends! presents ... De-Clutter Your Life! – Let Go of Toxic Friends! Do you really know who your friends are?   If you are stuck. . . and your life doesn’t seem to be moving forward, perhaps it’s time to cut loose those friends who stiffle your personal performance and limit your accessibility to a happy and healthy future! Get unstuck! It’s time to let go of these so called “frenemies!” They are NOT your friends! Whoa! Was that fear that raised its … [Read more...]

Change! “NO! I Don’t Wanna!” –, Larry James

Change! "NO! I Don't Wanna!" We use reasons to explain away why we don't want to do something different; reasons why we don't want to change. If we know that doing something different might help the situation, not doing something different is called "stupid." The best reason why has never solved the problem. Often reasons why are understandable, however what is not understandable is why we feel the need to have our lives dominated by reasons why we didn't do something different … [Read more...]

Women Want 10 Things Most From Their Man‏ ~ a Little Bird Told Me

    ~ a Little Bird Told Me ~ 10 Things Women Want Most From Their Man‏   For many men, what women want from a relationship with a man remains a mystery. Often times, even after many years of marriage, the husband will still confess his confusion as too what his wife expects or desires from him as her mate. Men and women, generally speaking, communicate in very different ways. Therein lies the core to the problem. She says one thing and he interprets it … [Read more...]

Women, Forgive Your Past Relationship has shared an amazing book here today ... "Forgiveness does not change the past but it does enlarge the future." ~ Paul Boese Donna Marie Thompson, PhD, Guest Author So here you are – your relationship is over – yet it still lingers in your mind. It still lingers in your heart. All of the hurts, all of the trauma, all of the drama. You might be wondering, when does it just go away? Well the pain might fade over time, but true healing only comes with forgiveness. … [Read more...]

Celebrate – 10 Reasons NOT to Text Your LOVER

10 Reasons Not to Text Your Lover, Guest Author Texting has become a very popular form of communication. It’s quick and easy. It can be done anywhere and is hardly noticeable to those around you. In spite of all this, texting may not be the best option for some communications, particularly those that are the most intimate. Although keeping in constant contact with your lover via text may be very appealing to you, there are ten good reasons not to text your … [Read more...]

Burning the Candle at Both Ends ~ Take Action!

"She gets up while it is still dark... her lamp does not go out at night." Proverbs 31 "Burning ones candle at both ends" is often said about someone who's working too hard with too many things, and as a consequence has to stop before he or she is "done". It typically means that one is staying up too late at night and getting up too early in the morning in an attempt to get more things done. A candle is intended to be burned from one end to the other only. "To burn the candle at both … [Read more...]

Larry shares a what I call a “Character Building Experience”

The BIG "Oops!" Saying, "My bad!" or "I'm sorry" over and over again when you make a big "Oops!" is kinda like the story of the little boy who cried, "Wolf." After a while your partner will get the idea that change is not in the picture. When you make a misstep. . . acknowledge it and promise not to do it again. . . and KEEP YOUR WORD! "I was wrong and I am sorry," works once or possibly twice. Those seven words will help make your perceptions clearer, your judgments sounder, your … [Read more...]

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