Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever - the one who recognizes the challenges and does something about it." Football Coach, Vince Lombardi Your Action for today is ... 'to acknowledge an employee, friend or family member for having taken action on something even if it didn't work out. Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Frustration….aren’t we the Cause, Ourselves?
The Laws of Cause & Effect.... 'Frustration' appears when we are too focused on 'What Should Be' (in our minds) rather than on 'What is'..... Staying in the moment and appreciating that 'Everything Happens for a Reason' can seem impossible at times; yet, with practice one can actually begin to experience enough hindsight moment by moment to grow into the realization that every action, event or happening has a reason. The more one practices this acceptance in … [Read more...]
Stay Close to Your Own Heart (Meditation video)
Stay connected to Your Heart When we meditate, we begin to feel the touch of our spirit we sense our vibration increasing in an internal, eternal, melding of self with our soul. Meditation is very important you are encouraged to practicing it often. The more you relax your mind, the easier it is for you to hear the answer. Open our heart and mind, this abundant love has no boundaries and a quiet mind hears the voice of the angels more … [Read more...]
What is O.C.D.(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?
What is Obsessive Compulsive-Disorder? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a common, treatable anxiety disorder. OCD causes significant distress and interferes with a person’s functioning in work, daily routines and relationships. Some people with OCD struggle with the obsessional component of the disorder while others mainly engage in compulsions. Most, however, experience both in some measure. Obsessions are intrusive, upsetting impulses, thoughts, ideas or images that are hard to … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Capitulation
Good Day, we thought that word might grab Your Attention ...! Capitulation (Lat. capitulum, a little head or division; capitulare, to treat upon terms), an agreement in time of war for the surrender to a hostile armed force of a particular body of troops, a town or a territory. It is an ordinary incident of war, and therefore no previous instructions from the captors' government are required before finally settling the conditions of capitulation. The most usual of such conditions are … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Narcissism
Narcissistic Personality Disorder manifests as 'terminal victims'! ____________________________ People who are victims create situations in their lives where they constantly feel victimized. When we are in relationship with a narcissistic personality we also feel victimized by their behavior. They are unable to see their own part in creating a painful reality for us. Because we are caring and compassionate, we are normally the ones who yield and give-in. We are the ones … [Read more...]