Transforming lives of marginalized girls through new information and communication technologies NEW YORK, US, March 2012 – How can researchers and aid organizations use technology to make the voices of the most marginalized girls heard? How can adolescent girls in the hardest-to-reach rural communities use mobile phones and the Internet to gain critical life skills. The issue of integrating new technologies with communication strategies to empower and support the most vulnerable girls … [Read more...]
Armenia: Partnering with Priests to End Domestic Violence
Armenia: Partnering with Priests to End Domestic Violence YEREVAN, Armenia — Seven years ago Milena separated from her husband. Although she still loved him, they had difficulty communicating. She was fed up with the physical and emotional violence he inflicted, as well as the familial silence surrounding it. Her mother-in-law’s interference in their lives, and her husband’s deference to her, were another source of the conflicts that finally caused Milena to divorce her … [Read more...]
Ethiopia by Task-Shifting Procedures, Saving Women’s Lives
Finding ways to deliver for women where doctors are in short supply TIGRAY REGION, Ethiopia — “We are all looking to you to be a window of hope to reduce the unnecessary death of mothers and newborns during pregnancy and delivery in rural Ethiopia,” said Dr.Tedros Adhanom, the Minister of Health, as he handed over degrees to the first graduates at Ayder Hospital of his country’s programme in Integrated Emergency Surgery and Obstetrics. The first graduating class of the new … [Read more...]
US Aims to Empower World’s Women Farmers
U.S. aid officials are launching a new way to measure whether their efforts to empower women farmers are working. Women make up nearly half the agricultural workforce in sub-Saharan Africa and East and Southeast Asia, but women’s farm production tends to lag behind their male counterparts. Women face a number of obstacles that men do not. They tend to own less land and have fewer rights to that land. They have less access to credit and training. And they have less input in … [Read more...]
UNFPA, Launch of First-Ever Global Map of Devastating Childbirth Injury
Launch of First-Ever Global Map of Devastating Childbirth Injury SANTA BARBARA, CA/ SAN JOSE, CA/ UNITED NATIONS, New York—The largest and most comprehensive map of available services for women living with obstetric fistula was launched today by Direct Relief International, the Fistula Foundation, and UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. The release of the Global Fistula Map, a major step forward in understanding the landscape of worldwide treatment capacity for … [Read more...]
WOMAN of ACTION – Dr. Phyllis Chesler on Michael Coren Show
Dr. Phyllis Chesler on Michael Coren Show To combat the epidemic of honor killings requires understanding what makes these murders unique. They differ from plain and psychopathic homicides, serial killings, crimes of passion, revenge killings, and domestic violence. Their motivation is different and based on codes of morality and behavior that typify some cultures, often reinforced by fundamentalist religious dictates. In 2000, the United Nations estimated that there are 5,000 honor … [Read more...]
The Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, TODAY!
The Wisdom of the Grandmothers 7-week virtual course The course begins THIS WEDNESDAY, February 29th Dear Friends, We are delighted to share a special announcement. The Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, in collaboration with The Shift Network, is hosting a seven-week virtual course so that you can deepen your connection with the Grandmothers and their ancient wisdom. For this special, even historic … [Read more...]
UN report, sexual violence during conflict, singles out worst offenders
Special Representative Margot Wallström presents the Secretary-General’s report on conflict-related sexual violence to the Security Council. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine The annual United Nations report documenting conflict-related sexual violence around the world today for the first time names some of the military forces, militia and other armed groups that are suspected of being among the worst offenders.The groups listed in the report include the Lord’s Resistance Army … [Read more...]
Lakshmi Puri, ‘Women in the World of Sports’
Women in the World of Sports Speech delivered by UN Women Deputy Executive Director Lakshmi Puri at the panel discussion on “Leadership Views on Women in the World of Sports,” at the 5th IOC World Conference on Women and Sport, Los Angeles, 17 February 2012. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning to all of you. I would like to join other panellists in thanking the International Olympic Committee, the US Olympic Committee, and the Southern California Committee … [Read more...]
WOMEN globally talk about food insecurities in rural areas
Rural women speak out about food insecurity Today’s global food insecurity destabilizes rural communities all over the world, impeding their access to food and affecting their ability to earn a livelihood. In partnership with the Huairou Commission and WOCAN, FAO held a series of twenty one consultations with hundreds of women and men in Africa, Asia and Latin America to better understand the direct impacts of food security on their lives and those of their families. Today’s global food … [Read more...]
Women must be empowered to ‘create the future we want’
Women must be empowered to ‘create the future we want’ – Migiro Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine February 2012 – United Nations Member States must boost economic empowerment for women to help them realize the global community’s common goals, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro urged today, warning that gender discrimination around the world was still too widespread. “Too many countries still have discriminatory laws … [Read more...]