A Celebration of Women™ presents ... TICKETS - 8 Tickets Left @ 50% Discount, Gourmet Buffet Lunch, Speakers & Exhibitions NO FEE OPTION - 8 TICKETS LEFT @ 50% DISCOUNT Etransfer $30 to: acelebrationofwomen@hotmail.com using Security Code - ticket2017wpd CLICK IMAGE VENUE SPONSOR - Banquet Style in 2017 SPECIAL KEYNOTE: Salma Zahid, MP Team Celebration is elated to announce that Salma Zahid, MP … [Read more...]
Why More Women Are Choosing Their Own Engagement Rings
Traditionally, buying an engagement ring has always been the job of the male partner in a relationship. But recently, more and more women are taking to selecting their own engagement rings, with some even going so far as to pay half towards the cost of this milestone jewelry piece. Whilst being surprised with an engagement ring by your partner can certainly be a lovely moment, more and more women are realizing that selecting their own engagement ring can definitely be an easier and more … [Read more...]
Theresa Kachindamoto, Female Chief in Malawi Takes Action!
African female chief breaks up 850 child marriages and pays for the kids to go back to school Senior chief in the Dedza District of Central Malawi, Theresa Kachindamoto, governs over about 900,000 people and has been avidly using her power to bring young women into a modern age of equality and enlightenment. Over the past three years, she has annulled more than 850 child marriages, sent many hundreds of young women back to school and focused heavily on abolishing what are known as … [Read more...]
Stacey’s PEACE MISSION 2016
About Stacey Huish A Strong Powerful Game Changer! A Speaker, Educator, Author and Lover of Life! A free spirit who is affectionately known as the Game Changer. I am an earth healer, a heart healer, a lover of life, raising the vibration of love to help as many people as possible to live passionate, purpose filled lives, awaken the planet and enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is My Life! That is my purpose for me being here! I am a Social Entrepreneur, 1 … [Read more...]
The Pros and Cons of a Summer Wedding
If you have recently gotten engaged, and don't want an especially long engagement but do want to have enough time to plan the perfect event, it can look very tempting to hold your wedding next summer. After all, summer is generally thought of as 'wedding season', and the idea of having (almost) guaranteed good weather on your big day can also be a big redeeming factor. However, as well as the advantages, there are also some drawbacks to a summer wedding that you'll need to think about. Here, … [Read more...]
Females Who Have Changed the Animation Industry
Among other things, the release of Brave by Pixar is being singled out for being the studio’s first release with a female lead character. Over the years, Pixar, along with its parent company Disney, has been greatly criticized for holding on to outdated gender stereotypes – think helpless princesses, gallant princes, evil witches etc., a theme which is thankfully beginning to change. Pixar didn’t help its reputation amongst feminists when the original Brave director, Brenda Chapman, was replaced … [Read more...]
Royal North India Tour, Feb 15 – March 6, 2016
JOIN Enakshi Sinha ...on her forthcoming India tour as an cultural ambassador and a host leader of the exciting and exotic Royal North India Tour which is starting from Feb 15 to March 6, 2016. Enakshi says: "We will also cover Taj Mahautsav - Classical dance and music festival where you can witness the festival at the backdrop of Taj Mahal at Agra and mingle with the most renowned artists of India." … [Read more...]
Heroines of Peace – The Nine Nobel Women
The Nobel Peace Prizes at their best set before us an array of great human spirits. Between 1901 and 2014, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 567 times to 889 people and organizations. With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes a total of 860 individuals and 22 organizations. HERE, you can view the full list of Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates. The 'nine women Prizewinners' clearly belong in this list. They come from a variety of … [Read more...]
The Facts About Violence Against Women
Is poverty a problem in a well-off country like Canada? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Especially for Women. Although Canada is a relatively wealthy country, about 1 in 10 Canadians are living on a low income, and 1.5 million of those living on a low income are women. As the infographic below shows, the incidence of poverty is even higher for particular groups of women. There are two main reasons women tend to be poorer than men: 1. They spend more time doing unpaid work … [Read more...]
Elderly Abuse and Neglect – What Should You Do?
As your parents needs grow more demanding as they age, it is not always possible for you to care for them at home; often times they can get the best care in an assisted living center or other type of elderly care facility. Unfortunately, even though these places are full of very giving and caring individuals who work there, every once in a while there is an exception and one of your elderly loved ones may have been the victim of an abusive situation. When this happens there are some courses … [Read more...]