International Children's Day is observed on June 01, 2015. The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland, proclaimed June 1 to be International Children's Day in 1925. After the conference, different governments around the world decided to declare a day as Children's Day to draw attention to children's issues. Many countries chose June 1, so this is the reason, why International Children's Day take place an June 1. Children's Day is recognized on various days in … [Read more...]
Mercury Retrograde, May 18 – June 11
How to survive three weeks of communication and technology breakdowns, without having a nervous breakdown. Ever have a week when nobody understands you? Your cell phone erases itself, people argue over nonsense, traffic sucks, and your computer crashes as you’re typing the last sentence of your Great American Novel. Flights are delayed or cancelled, or you forget your passport at home on the way to Mexico. Plans change without warning and your friends stand you up. Even if you’re already a … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day Globally, Dr. Dilshad
Mother's Day Globally: Mothers and motherhood have been revered for millennia. Maternal Greek and Roman goddesses were celebrated with extravagant festivals, and in 16th-century Europe, "Mothering Sunday" took place during Lent, when Christians would attend a special service at the main church in their area, or their "mother church." Over time, this merged with the American holiday created in 1908 by Anna Jarvis, who was inspired to create a day to recognize the sacrifices that mothers make … [Read more...]
IGrow Network, Ready – Set – Grow
WATCH THIS VIDEO FIRST - AT FIRST LOOK OPPORTUNITY - The Founders 3000 Club - JOIN TODAY ASSOCIATE ONLINE UNIVERSITY - Associates Qualify - CLICK HERE Facebook Marketing - Facebook is not just for baby pictures any more. It has become a powerful business marketing tool. In this course, iGrow University uncovers not only the social networking opportunities for individuals, but how businesses can take a simple networking application and turn it into a massive lead generation and … [Read more...]
Women Stop War, Conference in Hague, April 27/29
100 years after over 1300 of WILPF’s founding women first came together in The Hague in protest of World War I, we still live in a world where women’s voices and experiences are excluded, bringing continued violence and war. We know now what we knew then, that only when we analyse conflict from a gender perspective, integrating disarmament, human rights, the environment, social justice, and the women, peace and security agenda holistically will we be able to eradicate the root causes of … [Read more...]