Hysterectomy, Life After the Surgery ...to Be or not to Be, that is the question... Surgical removal of the uterus A hysterectomy is major operation to remove a woman's uterus. It is carried out to treat various problems associated with periods, pelvic pain, tumours and other related conditions. The problem you are experiencing will determine what type of operation is required and whether the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and cervix will also be removed. Before … [Read more...]
INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – Inspirational Light
The Living Light Psalm 433 Photo: http://www.poemsbycc.com/InspirationalIndex.html … [Read more...]
Sandra (Alexandra) Thetford – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is absolutely elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman! In this story, you will hear the voice of a woman that has 'lived her life outside the box', taking in stride what most of us consider to be a major crisis. Her Faith and Self Esteem, the 'knowing' of who she is, has graced her with the courage and strength to face change, often. Her Journey has allowed her to experiment, learn and grow, with experiences from Motherhood to the stock market..... Her … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Hope on an Autumn Day
" Although it may be desirable, you can’t win every race or beat your competitor every time. But never lose hope that the next success may be yours. " — Crystal Tate There is a bittersweet quality that permeates the air in September. In the northern hemisphere, we say our reluctant goodbyes to summer. When September rolls around there is something in our early programming that kicks in. We gear up for all of the activities associated with fall. Kids return to school and we … [Read more...]
Devotion to the Authentic Self vs Ego – WOMEN in RECOVERY
INNER FRONTIER Devotion to the Authentic Self Illusion of Ego What is it in us that blocks our connection with the spiritual depths? Excerpt If heaven is real, why am I not in contact with it? All religions and paths address this central question, under a variety of names, the most common today in the West being “ego.” The term ego, in this context, alludes to our deeply ingrained self-referential, self-seeking disposition, our well-hidden and highly adaptable … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Stand in the Rain
Be Strong in Faith & Stand ! Change can be fast, yet keep in mind the Importance of Patience and Divine Timing, developing a trust in the unseen Mysteries of Spirit working in your life. You are never alone, pay close attention to doors that are open to you, fearlessly. Take Action !!! As you continue the Journey of Rediscovering your Divine Nature, your Higher Power will surround you with love and blessings. The more that you can approach your own … [Read more...]