Safe Cities program implemented in New Delhi, India

Better lighting, wider pavements: steps towards preventing sexual violence in New Delhi A young woman from Bilaspur camp, in the Molarband area of south Delhi, says she never goes to the community toilets alone. “Near the community toilet complex we have a banyan tree where boys are always standing. They harass every girl who goes to the toilet. I never go to the toilet alone, especially when it is dark,” she said, echoing the 24 other women who took part in a focus group discussion last … [Read more...]


International Mother Earth Day was established in 2009 by the General Assembly under Resolution A/RES/63/278. The Resolution was introduced by The Plurinational State of Bolivia and endorsed by over 50 member states. It recognizes that "the Earth and its ecosystems are our home" and that "it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth." The term Mother Earth is used because it "reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet we … [Read more...]

India Activists Taking Action: Demand Justice for All Women!

Peace X Peace is the international organization that lifts and multiplies women’s voices, strengthens women’s capacity to connect across divides, promotes leadership and gender equity, and nurtures a global network of peace builders in 120 countries. “We do not need protesters and activists fighting for us after we are raped or almost killed. We need them to fight for rights that make sure such cases never occur.” The sensationalized news about Delhi gang rape has stirred the minds of many. … [Read more...]

Ayumi Ueda & Women of the World – WOMEN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Lives of these amazing women, a central force of energy that were attracted to each other with one mission and one vision in their collective soul. Women of the World was formed to bring women musicians from across the globe onto a common platform to collaborate and create, not only through the sharing of music, but also to explore and celebrate the differences in ideologies, and cultural tenets that exist in the daily lives of women … [Read more...]

Safe Cities: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 2012

"Safe Cities Free of Violence against Women and Girls." Port Moresby is one of five pilot cities -- along with Quito, Kigali, New Delhi and Cairo -- participating in UN Women's Global Programme "Safe Cities Free of Violence against Women and Girls." Operating successfully since its December 2010 launch, the project, entitled "Port Moresby: A Safer City for Women and Girls," aims to develop, test, evaluate and disseminate a model that makes cities safer for women and girls. Port Moresby … [Read more...]

Swanchetan Society for Mental Health in New Delhi, Rajat Mitra

CBM partner Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Mission Hospital organises self help groups for women with psychosocial disabilities in Kerala, South India. Community workers are recruited from their own neighbourhood adding to the sense of ownership by the group members. This concept is the culmination of a long track laid out by CBM and partners since the 2004 Asian tsunami. Swanchetan Society for Mental Health Dr. Rajat Mitra is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Swanchetan Society … [Read more...]

ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: New Delhi in Rape Crisis

    The Women of New Dehli are in crisis;   and the Women of our World are Taking Action!     Imagine being raped because you are a working woman. Hard to believe but this is the nightmarish reality women in New Delhi face.    I first read about this on the Care2 Make a Difference site. The New York Times reported that a couple was accosted by five drunken young men from a nearby farming village accosted a couple last month. They beat the young man and gang-raped the … [Read more...]

UNIC New Delhi Seminar on Peace and Non-Violence

Seminar Participants As part of the 12-day Peace to Non-Violence campaign, the United Nations Infor-mation Centre (UNIC) in New Delhi collaborated with NGO Women's Initiative for Peace in South Asia (WIPSA) and National Foundation for India in organizing a day-long seminar titled “Sisters for Peace: Voices from Kashmir” on 29 September, where a dozen women activists, academics and female victims of violence from Kashmir presented their perspectives on the Kashmir conflict and its impact on … [Read more...]

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