Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Best Selling Author, Maya Angelou Your Action for today is ... to look at something in your life that you have failed to change. See if changing your attitude makes a difference. Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you want to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del … [Read more...]
Zambian AIDS Epidemic, World Pulse on Ground!
Dispatches from the Zambian AIDS Epidemic This July, World Pulse Managing Editor Corine Milano traveled to Zambia as an International Reporting Project Fellow to cover health issues from the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. With one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world—14.3% of the adult population—the Zambian people face an uphill battle. This series of interviews and firsthand accounts from World Pulse community members in Zambia reveals the strength of the country’s … [Read more...]
Choose the Right Cell Phone for Your Child
BACK TO SCHOOL - Choosing the Right Cell Phone for Your Child, a Challenge! While the idea of having a cell phone in elementary school was about as far-fetched as landing on the moon for today’s parents, there’s no denying the fact that technology has evolved at a rapid enough pace to make that situation a very feasible one for kids just a generation later. Determining when your child is ready for the responsibility of a cell phone is so largely dependent upon the maturity level of your … [Read more...]
Ginger Katz Taking Action, The Courage to Speak® Foundation
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Ginger Katz A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman who truly understands the Power of Love ! Through the death of her own child, she reached for spiritual guidance and was lead onto a path, that today she calls her very own Purpose in Life. Through the drug overdose of her son, this Woman has now devoted her life to helping parents across North America to end the shame and stigma; and Speak Out! SECRETS Keep You SICK! Please join us in … [Read more...]
For Lonely Singles Only
If you do not cherish the companionship you find with yourself, then you can never find it with someone else. It is important to be your own best friend. Doing so gives you knowledge of yourself. You must have a clear understanding of what true friendship is before you can earn the right to share it with someone else. Once that status is achieved, the warmth of the friendship you have for yourself will radiate and attract another who has shared a similar experience; someone who will … [Read more...]
Beverley D. Burdeyney – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of one of Toronto's powerhouse women, one that has risen above extraordinary circumstance to such extreme that she has become a leading voice in the health and wellness of all women. WOMAN of ACTION™ Beverley D. Burdeyney "Do Your Personal Best, and the Rewards will Come!" Beverley D. Burdeyney is living proof that being fit can lead to a healthier life. … [Read more...]
“Twelve Core Problems – 12 Steps of Recovery”
Restore me to balance in body, mind, and spirit. Remove everything from my consciousness and body that is not in perfect alignment with your loving plan for me. Here is a Summary of the Dynamics: 1) Resisting feeling things fully This dynamic is based on experiences of having been overwhelmed by intense feelings when we were very young. To avoid the experience of overwhelm, we make the inner decision to resist feeling things fully. This dynamic is based on the illusion … [Read more...]