The Bright Side of Uncertainty Key Lesson: Uncertainty is unwanted because it feels so unpleasant each time it appears in our lives. But, can we be awake enough to see its positively bright side? For as surely as darkness must come before the break of a new day, so it's true: before the new light of higher understanding can have its gentle dawn in us -- we must see that we have come to the end of what we know. Giving Yourself Up Is Lifting Yourself Up The gradual realization that … [Read more...]
REGISTER TODAY ONLINE To acquire SPONSOR PACKAGE, please email us HERE. NOV 23 GALA TICKET OPTIONS Single Ticket $100.00 CAD SPONSORED Ticket $100.00 CAD INVITATION to PARTICIPATE - DONATE BELOW: If you are unable to attend, yet hold a desire in your heart to help educate the women of our world, Your DONATION for this Center's if Celebrated ....$1.00, $5.00, $10.00 --- all Gifts are deeply appreciated! Aimed to … [Read more...]
Be a Fearless Woman – Yes, You Can!
Yes, You CAN! Surprise! This is really a story about how much I suck at running :) (Don’t worry, we’ll get around to the fearlessness thing in just a minute, but first things first … ) I’ve always wanted to be a runner. Or maybe I’ve just always wanted to be thinner and was enticed by the fantasy of one day jogging happily (sexily?) around my neighborhood park in shorts and a sports bra. Either way for most of my life, I’ve longed to be part of the elusive and illustrious club of … [Read more...]
7 Things to Make Positive Thinking Effective
7 Things You Should Do to Make Positive Thinking Effective Dana Saviuc, Guest Author Yesterday I wrote a post on "Why Positive Thinking Won’t Guarantee You Positive Results" and just like I promised, today I will go deeper into the topic and talk about the 7 things you should do to make positive thinking effective. 1. Ownership ~ Whenever we get angry or irritated because of something people say or do to us it is so because we project our own shadows and our own darkness on to … [Read more...]
10 Worst New Year’s Resolutions & How to Make Them Work
New Year’s Resolutions have been around a long time. Some of us make them half-heartedly, some of us do it with great purpose. Few of us actually achieve our goals by the end of the year. Maybe it’s because making resolutions just after the holidays is particularly bad timing, what with our tendencies to overindulge, overspend, and generally let the chips fall where they may. Or maybe it’s because we are completely unrealistic or entirely too vague with our resolutions. The good … [Read more...]