WELFARE FOR THE RICH by Frank Corbin As we all know, the US financial system is currently in a mess. Institutions like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stern, AIG and now Washington Mutual are struggling to keep their heads above water. These organizations are either declaring bankruptcy, being bought out by other big financial institution or looking at the US Government for a financial life-support. As with any business model, we must admit … [Read more...]
ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Grandma and Goliath
February 28, 2011 by
Grandma and Goliath Grandmother Takes on Oil Giant ... Recently I read what can only be called a modern day David and Goliath story. The two contenders are an Ecuadorean grandmother whose modest home sits near marshes that are clogged with sticky oil for decades and Chevron. Maria Aguinda helped to bring a landmark judgment against Chevron for polluting the rain forest which she calls home. She spoke out against the US oil giant after it was fined $9.5 billion, among the … [Read more...]