National Indigenous Day celebrated on June 21

The House of Commons unanimously passed a motion designating June as National Indigenous History Month in 2009 to honor the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. For this 10th anniversary, we recognize more than ever the strength of present-day Indigenous communities. June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is a special opportunity for all Canadians to highlight the unique heritage, cultural diversity and remarkable achievements of First Nations, the Inuit … [Read more...]

Good governance – recognizing indigenous peoples for who they are

The thirteenth session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will take place on 12-23 May with principles of good governance at the forefront of discussions. For indigenous peoples, good governance is grounded in the right to self-determination, which is a pre-condition for the enjoyment of all other rights as it means the right to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Good governance is premised on the recognition of … [Read more...]

Indigenous Women in Latin America must Take Action!

May 2013 – Indigenous peoples in Latin America have undergone an unprecedented mobilization in the past 20 years, but political participation, particularly among women, is still low, the United Nations said in a new report released today. Intercultural Citizenship – Contributions from the political participation of indigenous peoples in Latin America, released by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), cites several factors that have helped boost the political participation of indigenous peoples … [Read more...]


Chinese Star Ayi Jihu continues to etch her mark on history by being the first Chinese artist to be invited to present an award at the NAMA Awards (Native American Music Awards) at Seneca Casino & Hotel in Niagara Falls on May 10th 2013. The Native American Music Awards represents the Native American Community and their music which prides itself on it’s traditions and cultures and keeping them intact. Ayi Jihu will accompany Top Native American Haida Singer Terri Lynn who is herself up … [Read more...]

The 13 Grandmothers Council, 2013 Upcoming Events

Grandmothers and Ambassadors in Dharamsala We represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life. We believe the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future. We look to further our vision through the realization of … [Read more...]

Questions about the 13 Grandmothers Virtual Gathering?

Hi - It's Alison Weeks here of The Shift Network. We're excited and deeply honored to be hosting the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers for a 3-Day Virtual Gathering and Prayer Circle - which starts tomorrow! Please visit our course page for more details and to register! Each time we've featured these incredibly wise planetary elders, the response from you has been huge. We see this as a great reflection of the transformative times we're in and the message of hope and healing they're here to … [Read more...]

ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Grandma and Goliath

    Grandma and Goliath         Grandmother Takes on Oil Giant ...   Recently I read what can only be called a modern day David and Goliath story. The two contenders are an Ecuadorean grandmother whose modest home sits near marshes that are clogged with sticky oil for decades and Chevron. Maria Aguinda helped to bring a landmark judgment against Chevron for polluting the rain forest which she calls home. She spoke out against the US oil giant after it was fined $9.5 billion, among the … [Read more...]

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