A nation’s human capital endowment - the skills and capacities that reside in people and that are put to productive use - can be a more important determinant of long term economic success than virtually any other resource. The Human Capital Report details the findings of a new Index which measures countries on their ability to develop and deploy healthy, educated and able workers through four distinct pillars: Education, Health & Wellness, Workforce & Employment and Enabling Environment. … [Read more...]
UN General Assembly – What, Who, Why and When?
The sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly will open in September 2013. The President of the United Nations General Assembly was chosen from the GRULAC with Antigua and Barbuda's John William Ashe being the consensus candidate, thus bypassing the need for an election. The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations. Comprising all 193 Members of the United Nations, it provides a unique forum for multilateral … [Read more...]
Change the World : lifesecretsonline.com
The power each of us has to make a difference in this world begins when each of us believes that we can make a difference. To put it another way...everything begins with changing ourselves FIRST. I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, "It is not fair to ask of others, what you are unwilling to do yourself" Today's video is a great story and captures the essence of what Eleanor was talking about. I hope you enjoy it! Watch Change the World Video … [Read more...]
Lynne Hazelden – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is truly excited to Celebrate the Life of this Woman, a true Freedom Fighter! WOMAN of ACTION™ Lynne Hazelden UP & PERSONAL ~ How Get to know Me! FIRST VISIT HERE > LISTEN MY PEACE VISION INSPIRATION ~ SOURCE ~ HOW I GOT to HERE ~WHERE it CAME FROM Here is some important info about my journey.... HERE Lynne is raising funds to be treated by The International … [Read more...]