Misogyny Women, Religion and the Devil Incarnate This essay by Michelle Zobel for the course Mysticism and Magic in Medieval and Renaissance Italy was selected from the Director's List of Best Papers at Richmond in Florence, Spring semester, 2009. Its focus is on the subordinate status of women in the past and the religious motivations for this treatment in the Jewish and the Christian traditions. 'When analyzing the texts and development of the Jewish and Christian … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Inner Vision using TREES
Trees Trees and humans have had a relationship since the beginnings of human existence. They provide us with shelter, nutritious fruits, leaves, flowers and roots for food and medicine. They have given us wood to provide a fuel for our fires. In Neolithic times ancient people understood the importance of the tree and gave it respect, offered it prayers and blessings and did not take them for granted. Ancient cultures remained close to nature. They believed that the tree was the central … [Read more...]
It is very difficult for a WO-man who returns home after having traversed the entire city to remember in detail all of HER/his thoughts, ideas, incidents, things, etc. Upon trying to recall, SHE/he will discover huge gaps in HER/his memory, which correspond precisely to the most profound states of sleep. To be conscious of oneself is something very difficult; but, one can attain that state by learning to live alert and vigilant from moment to moment. - Samael Aun Weor Related: … [Read more...]
Physical Protection Seal of Solomon Painting: http://www.dellaheywood.com/oil_vis.html __________________________________ KING SOLOMON Without belonging to any one religion the King Solomon seals and amulets are based on the history and legend of King Solomon, a mystical figure that inspired many stories. The legend of King Solomon Seal, a wondrous signet ring which he received from heaven, is common to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Read more here: … [Read more...]
What does the SEAL OF SOLOMON have to do with my SACRED BREATH MONTHLY WORKSHOPs? Most of you who read this know about the symbolism of the two triangles: the one pointing upwards and the other pointing down. Some of you already know that these two equilateral triangles are symbols of men and women who have developed their heart, intellect and will to the point of perfection. The hexagram or Seal of Solomon symbolizes the union of spirit and matter. What does this have to do with you? … [Read more...]